chapter 2

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A/n, I'm so sorry it took so long to update it's just everything with school and stuff. But I'll make it up to you eventually!!

Laurens pov
The police officer looked at me as I was sitting on the ground with a frown on his face. "Well you didn't have to lie. If you just told me, I already would've helped you." He said with concern on his voice. "come with us we were going to eat something. And if you're hungry you can eat something too I you want." A smile crept up on my face not enough for him to see. "thank you but I really don't want to interrupt your dinner." I told him even tho I was really hungry, but right now that wasn't the only thing on my mind, and still I don't even have the money to buy food from a dinner. I barely have enough for bread. "No of course you won't be interrupting us. Come on I'll buy you something, okay. And on the way there you can meet my daughter Karla." He helped me get up. And I said "thank you" while a smile crept on my face again.
We walked to the car which I assumed was his. I opened the back door and before I could go in I felt an arm reach my shoulder I flinched a little bit but not enough for him to see. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you my name yet. My name is alejandro, alejandro cabello." I nodded my head as I sat in the car. "I think you already know my name but still I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui.
He nodded as he walked to his part of the car and stepped in. I saw Karla in the passenger seat and she was busy on her phone. I looked around the car, it looked like a family sized car and expensive. After 15 minutes Mr Alejandro stopped the car Infront of a restaurant. We stepped out of the car and I saw mr Alejandro giving the keys to a man who later stepped in the car and drove off. Mr Alejandro opened the door as I and Karla walked in. "Your table is ready sir serve me your coat so I can hang them and I can walk you if u want."

We were now in the expensive restaurant, taking our seats.
After what seemed like 2 minutes we got our drinks that we ordered.
The waiter seemed a little nervous, maybe because he was new or something.
A few minutes later a woman came in with a little girl holding her hand. They walked to us and Mr Alejandro and Karla stood up from their seats and Mr Alejandro hugged the woman as Karla hugged the little girl.
The womans head turned my way and I stood up pretty fast. "Papa who's this  I thought this was our family dinner." The little girl said. "Oh, sorry I didn't know this was a family dinner if I would've known I wouldn't have interrupted." I said with a frown showing on my face. I walked to the service to get my coat. After I got my coat, I grabbed the doorhandle and looked over my shoulder. I could see the woman and Mr Alejandro arguing about something. I pulled the door and walked out. I started walking around. After ten minutes of walking saw a bar, I opened the door and walked in. Luckily no one asked for my ID, so I ordered a drink, after half a minute the guy finished my drink and served it to me. I slipped it up fast and my throat began to burn. After 10 minutes I finished another 5 shots and I began to feel a bit dizzy so I stopped ordering the drinks and stood up. I walked to the door and just as I wanted to grab the door knob someone reached my shoulder
I turned around and saw the bartender. "You have to pay before you walk out of here." "Well too bad cause I don't have any." I walked away from his grip and reached the door.
Just as I opened it I felt someone grab me again I turned around. Now every one was looking our way.
I pushed the bartender away from me.
He turned away and I could see his nuckles turning white. As he turned back to me I felt something hard on my face. I looked at him and tried to push him but just as I wanted to do that he grabbed my hair and pulled me to him. I slipped over something and my head hit a table. After that my vision became blurry. The last thing I heard before everything went black was "call 911"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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