The lost palace

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Chapter 1

There was once a man who lived in a castle.He was lonely but very wealthy , he didn't like to spend his money so he put it in a safe ware no one could find it , at the bottom of of his wardrobe

But what he hadn't noticed when he bought the castle was that it had lots of trap doors. Hidden about , he never noticed them but he will soon find out one is under his wardrobe. When he wanted to check on his money he just went up to his wardrobe and had a quick inspection , but today when he wanted to have a look he noticed that there was nothing there so he checked all 9 of his other wardrobes and couldn't find it . He checked wardrobe number 1 again and that's when he found a hole in the wardrobe but he didn't want to jump in straight away so he dropped a stone and weighted until he heard DROP , KLINK , KLANK or PLOP !!! . Strangely enough it was none of them it sounded more like a CRUNCH so he mad a list of things that could be down there and considered going to make a claim but he had no proper evidence about it so put on a warm jacket that he bought at the market the other day and packed some food- crisps , toaster waffles he also packed water and a rope ladder to climb down on . Setting of on his big journey he realises that his pet hamster will have no one to care for it so he gets a little pouch and puts him in it .

Knowing that he is afraid if the dark he notices a small light fire like but doesn't stop for anything , he takes a deep breath in and says "I can do this , for the money" ties the rope ladder to the bottom of the wardrobe and setts the the rest of it off down the deep dark hollow space and he is off step by step he goes Down the ladder and when he gets to the bottom he hears the CRUNCH sound again and finds a small fire on a shiny gold candelabra with three stems the other two have strangely fell of so he breaks off two and is left with one but it is bright enough to light a path , he sees the rope ladder still hanging with something sitting in a pile bellow he is trying to make out what it is when he suddenly realises what it is . "A body , a b-b-body" trembling in is big boots he sees a skull picks it up and is suddenly blacked out on the scruffy old velvet carpet.

When he wakes up he has a large lump on his head along with dirt and two or three maggots so he jumps up and try's to throw them out of his hair by shaking his head . when he comes to his senses he can't remember anything about the money but sees a small note lying on the ground looking very old and dusty so he blows it but some of it goes back in his face *cough cough* and can just make it out. "If you are reading this you have found my story and you will have to find who killed me and if you do my spirit will be free and you will be very rich take my locket from the back of this note and use it to fight the guards All the best Sophie G". leaving the man confused he takes the locket that is taped to the note and hangs it round his neck and says with a worried voice "wait what guards" and he gets a cold chill through his veins and starts to walk ahead with the candelabra.

Knowing that He is terrified he starts to think that the place he is in is a royal palace only under ground at the end of the hall he finds a door and is tempted to go it but doesn't want to find any guards so he listens and can't hear anything so he goes in and finds a bedroom with a four poster bed right in the centre of the room with a small cabinet next to each side of the bed and there is a body on the bed and it looks very old and is wearing a wedding dress so he goes for a look and finds another locket in the girl and it says Sophie "wait mines says grant on it and the note said Sophie G on it so this must be her the one who wrote the note"

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