Chapter Twenty Five: Victory March

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Isabelle'S P.O.V.

I peeled my eyes apart and looked at the ceiling. My eyes quickly glazed over in confusion. I don't remember having a white room...

"Finally! Oh, I thought that you would never wake up!" Nicholas was by my side in an instant with his wife Angelica. "Is Auntie Izzy awake now?"

I could only see the top of Tatianna's head in my position, but I could tell by her mess of hair that she had been taking a nap. "Yes, Izzy is awake." I glared at my brother but quickly smiled when the small child climbed onto the bed.

"Come give Auntie a hug sweetheart." She happily complied and snuggled into the crook of my arm. After she fell asleep again I looked to the couple.

Nicholas was being an idiot and taking a picture while Angelica was scolding him. "Where are we?"

She quickly looked away from the fool and grabbed a cup of water off of a nearby table. "We're in the capitol. A doctor here owed me a favor. At the moment we're in hiding, so try not to be too loud."

I nodded my head and looked around,  I could now tell that we were in a basement. "Why are we in hiding?" Angelica looked between us siblings and pointed at him.

"Yes Nicky dear, why are we in hiding?" He chuckled while rubbing thw back of his neck. "Listen, Isabelle, if I tell you, please promise not to do anything rash. Especially since you're injured."

I nodded my head, far too tired to care. "Princey-poo and his men are marching through the city today and I figured that not all of them would be happy to see you so I hid us away."

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, my heart starting to beat rapidly. "Can I have a moment to myself please. I need to change out of these clothes."

Angelica picked up her daughter and led Nicky away from me. I stood up carefully; the bandages around my waist prohibiting much of my movement. I pulled on some of Angelica's clothes and tied my boots.

Once finished, I walked out of the room and looked at the family before me. For I moment, just a brief second, I was jealous. I was jealous of Nicky's family and love. I wanted what he had. I needed to have it, so very badly. "Hey Nicky, remember one of the promises that we made as children?"

"Which one?"

I smiled and walked towards the stairs. "That we can break a promise if we feel the absolute need to?"

He stood up and began to walk to me. "Isabelle, you are hurt. I will not let you-"

It was too late though, I had already run up the steps and out of the house. "Isabelle!" His voice echoed in the city's street but I continued to run.

I heard cheers coming from my right, so I ran in that direction with Nicholas hot on my trail. As I pushed my way through the crowd Nicholas caught me and held me close to him.

"If you don't stop you're going to reopen your wounds." I wasn't paying attention to him though, because in the distance I could see Alexei.

He was dressed in his formal uniform, the men around him dressed similarly. "Nicky, please." I never took my eyes off of Alexei however, I was so close.

"I guess... I guess that a little more running couldn't hurt too much." He slowly loosened his hold on me, a smile stretching on his face. "Go get 'em!"

I couldn't help but laugh as tears sprung to my eyes.

I finished pushing through the crowd and ran into the street, gaining the attention of many people. "Isn't that the girl from the magazine?"

"Mommy! Look it's Cinderella!"

In an instant I was running again, so close...

"Alexei!" My lungs were burning and my torso felt as though it was on fire.

Oh yeah, I was stabbed...

I watched as confusion spread across his face, before his eyes widened and he too began to run towards me.

"Isabelle, oh my god." In a moment I was in his arms with tears beginning to pour down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, so so sorry." He muttered over and over again as he brushed his fingers through my hair and hugged me as close to him as possible.

I pulled back some and looked at him with my blurry vision. He, in return, wiped away all of my tears with his thumbs. "I-I shouldn't have told you to leave, I was just shocked and-"

"I shouldn't have left like that. I'm an adult, I should have handled the situation better." We both laughed a bit, the attention from the crowd getting to us.

"Kiss her you idiot!" I blushed and looked at my brother who shouted. I quickly looked back at Alexei.

"That's my brother he can-" I was cut off when he kissed me, all of the desperation from the past few months evident.

My hands wrapped around his neck as I closed my eyes and gave in. All of the cheers got louder while we got lost in our own little world.

We finally pulled away, completely out of breath, but with stupid smiles plastered on our faces. To my surprise, he lifted me into the air and swung me around, his laugh filling the air.

"Alexei, this is sweet, really it is, but we have a parade going on." My cheeks were dusted a darker red than before when I remembered all of the people watching us.

"Oh, I'll just-"

"Stay right here and walk with me." Alexei grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, I mean I was kinda stabbed-"

"Who stabbed you?!" I shook my head at him and started walking forward. "Noone of importance."

We walked ahead of the marching men for a few minutes before I couldn't take it any longer. "Alexei, I really shouldn't, my wound is about to re-open."

"Is that so?" He seemed to be ignoring me as he waved to different people. I sighed and slowed down considerably. "It was my father."

He looked down at me before nodding his head and picking me up bridal style. I huffed in annoyance as girls cooed at us.

"I could just meet you after the parade you know." He shook his head before holding me tighter. "I can't let you do that so get comfortable Princess."

"Quite the victory march Alexei." Charles winked at me from behind making me smile. Alexei looked up at me and nodded.

"It would appear so."

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