life story

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One friend is called amber and the other is called heat_girl.

Amber is my best friend we tell each over everything. Its wired tho when we fall out we still keep it a secret.
We always have small fights\argue but now are older its more serious now we are in the last year of high school. Amber has a good car. But mine is best its a jet-black limo with diamond stars on both sides, on the front it says my name in reall gold. Ambers car is the smallest limo in town it to is still jet-black with fake diamonds on the side with her family name on front.

Amber knows everyone's information Heat_girl is the popular girl in school. We are in the last lesson of the day.

Everyone knows its 5 minutes to go.

As the bell goes everyone runs out of school but me and amber. When we got out if school ambers car he's been smashed and all windows was shared. With a note stuck on a peace of shared glass it said. "Nice car sorry don't mean to crash (not sorry!!) Never take money from me again!!"

So I take her home.
Amber says "this is bad!!" Over and over in till we got to hers. Her mum us going to be so mad at her for two things. One the car was expensive. Two it was a family car. Well there is one more reason that why would you take money from someone any way. "I haven't I promise!!" Amber says with confusing in her voice.

Her mum let it go for now till her dad got home from work.
Amber got to go to the end of the road and back. She was grounded for a month. Only 'cause her mum for she was laying.

So from that day on her mum dropped her off and picked her up from school.
After a couple of days Amber got bored of her mum soi she ran off half way between school.
I get called in to principal Dorking room asking where
Amber is. I reply " I don't know she said she was going to the toilet and never came back. I thing she might have ran off because she is grounded and her mum picks her up and bringers her to school. Amber said to me that she hates her mum because she never let's her speak well she is in the car!.."
"Thank you heat_girl" principal Dorking says trying to get to the bottom of it.

We find out that two new boys are coming to school tomorrow:

I am showing them around the principal Dorking says I can.

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