Straight-Faced |Female|

251 1 454

Name: Gray

Nickname: Shadow, The Silenced one, and Mystery



One of her eyes is red and the other is green

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One of her eyes is red and the other is green

Personality:Quiet, Aggressive, and Over protective

Likes:Books, Drawing, Animals, Being alone, Climbing trees, Music, Video games, and Quiet places.

Dislikes:Loud places, Talking, Smiling, Talking about her past, Her Family, Girly stuff, Lying, and Being blamed.

Family:Her little sister who is 6 and her Abusive Father.

Other:Gray hasn't spoken a word or smiled since the age of 3

Scenario 1

You see Gray sitting on the roof drawing. Then a bunch of popular girls come up to her and start bullying her. Though Gray just sits there not caring. They eventually start to beat her up.

What do you do?

Scenario 2

You see Gray with a little girl that almost looks like her except her eyes were blue instead of Green and red.The little girl was running around and giggling.

What do you do?

Scenario 3

You're a new student in the class. The teacher tells you to take a seat next to Gray. The teacher points to a girl who was sitting on the back, emotionless. You sit in your seat and see that Gray isn't even paying attention.

What do you do?

Scenario 4

Make up your own.

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