Chapter 6

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Sals POV
It was around 1 in the morning. I got a call but it was from an unknown number so I just hit the hang up button thinking it was a fan or something. But it called again right after so I answered. There was a nice lady on the phone "Hi is this Mr. Salvatore Edward Anthony Vulcano?" She asked. "Umm. Yes this is him. How may I help you?" I asked nicely as possibly as I could for someone who just  woke me up.  "Okay I am glad I got the right number. But I am sorry but it seems that your fiancé is in the hospital due to a drunk driver. Everyone here thought you should know." She said sort of sad.  "I'm on my way and was she the only one in the car??" I asked panicked by now. "Umm one sec." After for what seemed for like 2 hours she comes back "Okay no she wasn't there was also a girl named Gracie Baker who was driving and he got the most injured because that's the side the car hit." The nurse said. "Okay I'm on my way." With that I hung up and called Joe and Q guessing Murr has already been called. I got to the hospital in like 10 minutes (considering it's a 30 minute drive). I ran up to the desk and they said "They are both in surgery we will come and get you and Mr.Murray if he gets here soon and if he isn't here we'll have Mr. Brian or Mr.Gatto go in with her. But Mrs.Bakers surgery might take a little longer." I look at the waiting room I was in looking for Joe and Q they were sitting by each other with them both crying. I walked over to them and they both got up and gave me a hug. "It's going to be okay bud!" Joe said between sobs. I sat down then literally 2 minutes later I got called. "Sal Vulcano. Jessa is out and is James S. Murray here yet?" I shook my head no then she said "Well there both in the same room so would you all three like to come back and see them?" Q and Joe both stood up and we all followed the nurse. We all sat around the room Jessa was fast asleep because I guess she has been out of surgery for a while but she wanted to wait for Gracie to get out of surgery.  I was sitting in the middle of both of the girls holding both hand. I look at the time and it was around 3 I look over at Jessa who was asleep again. I then look at Joe and Q who were knocked out from crying. Then I look at Gracie who still hasn't woken up. "If James doesn't show up while your here I will have a talk with him!" I whisper so soft I thought no one heard then I felt Jessa move I look over at her and kept apologizing "What were you saying about James? Where is he? Who were you even talking to?" I looked at her "I was saying that if he didn't show up while you two were here I would have a talk with him. I honestly have no clue where he is but he better be here when she wakes up because just like you are to Murr she's like a younger and the funniest sister I've ever had. I was saying what I said to Gracie hoping she could hear me." With me saying that I heard Gracie moan in pain. "The pain meds must be wearing off. Can you go get a nurse please." Jessa asked. I shook my head and got up went to the hallway to hail down a nurse. After a couple second I got a nurse and told her the meds were wearing off and she went to get the doctor because apparently she was a trainy. The doctor came in after a couple minutes. "Okay so let's see" she said looking at her clip board "How are you Feeling Jessa?" The doctor asked "Soar but other then that I'm fine but I'm not going to wet the bed so can I go take a piss?" Jessa asked. The doctor chuckled and nodded her head yes. She got Jessa unplugged from machines and I helped her to the bathroom and left Gracie in there with the nurse and doctor. When we walked back Gracie was awake and was taking her pain meds.
A couple hours later
It was about 6 in the morning and I still have not went to sleep. Joe and Q finally woke up they went downstairs to the cafeteria to get some food then came back up. Murr still wasn't here and I was furious. Gracie and Jessa both woke up at the same time one time and giggled a little. "Best friend goals" they said in unison which made them full on laugh which caused them to wince in pain which made them laugh a little more then they finally learned to stop laughing. I know my laughing is contagious so I but my tongue so I wouldn't make them laugh anymore. Then I stopped after a while and looked at Jessa shocked "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked "That's the first time I heard her talk since you two have been here!" Jessa looked at me. "She's been awake once. I love her to death but it isn't the first word she spoke coming into the world." I looked at her "You don't know that maybe she died during surgery and that WAS her first word coming back to the world." Jessa looked at me then slapped my arm playfully. I laughed then stopped when Jessa fell back asleep. About a hour later Jessa was still asleep but Gracie woke up. "Hey Sally Boy" she said "Well hello Gracanna L. Baker" I said. She laughed a little then stopped she looked shocked "Yay" she said happily I look at the door hoping Murr was here... He wasn't. We both sighed "He's not coming." She finally "How do you know?" I asked. "The nurses said when we can laugh without it hurting we can leave and when I just laughed it didn't hurt so Jessa and I can leave." She said. "How can you both leave if you can laugh she was awake an hour ago and laughed and... She didn't wince!" Gracie laughed a little without wincing again. I had a huge smile on my face then the smile dropped.  "Wait---" I was cut off "She said she was going to fake it for a day and if I wasn't better she was going to keep faking so I wouldn't be in here alone." He looked curious "When did this---" I was cut off again "When you went to the bathroom a couple minutes ago." I looked at Jessa who wasn't asleep she was faking and they were both laughing. "Oh and I don't want to go back to my place to see Murr. Could I possibly stay with you two. Please I know the Sal thinks I'm the funniest younger sister. And I am like Jessa's sister so. Please.." I stood there "You heard all that?" I asked.  "I was knocked out not deaf." She said. "Haha love the sarcasm." She laughed "thanks I try. But I couldn't hear much till I woke up a little more and more and hear you say the first thing and heard you explain it to Jessa." I look at her "well... We were going to let you stay anyways. We weren't going to have you go back to that..." I didn't even know what to call him.  "Jerk, dick, ass, fucker, all the above."
We all laughed then the nurse walked in. "I see everyone is feeling better.  Looks like you two can go home after you fill out the release forms." With that being said Q and Joe enter to hear that. "YOU GUYS CAN LEAVE??!!" They said happily which made the nurse jump because she didn't see them walk in. "Yep just one more signature for who Gracie will be staying with." I took the clip board from the nurse then Joe ran over took it then signed it. I look at him "Bessy said she wanted Gracie to come over to our house because you'll have Jessa and we all agree we do t want her going back to her place. So Brian is going to swing by with Bessy now when we leave and get home to get her stuff" after he said that Gracie and Jessa both look down "What's wrong" Joe Q and I said in unison. "Our stuff---" Jessa couldn't finish so Gracie finished "was in the car with us and we don't know where they took it." I looked at the nurse and she walked away and came back with 2 suitcases. "Oh you mean these? There a little beat up but since there metal on the outside nothing broke!" She said happily. Grade and Jessa moved as fast and injured people could because they still had a broken leg and broken arm. They really do complete each other as friends. I thought they both split money to buy a set of crutches because Gracie had her left leg and right arm broke and Jessa had her Right leg and left arm broken and on the opposite sides of both they were scratched up but nothing serious they just couldn't drive because they both also had a concussion but Gracie's was a little worst because she somehow hit her head on the steering wheel then the air bag swing her head back and it hit the leather seat really hard. Jessa from my understanding just hit her head hard enough on the window and cracked the window. But she had stitches on the side of her head. We were about to leave but the nurse ran up to us. "Oh I am a huge fan of your friends and your show. And I am so sorry Murr didn't show up Gracie and you also forgot you medicines too she handed Sal and Joe a Bag "They need to take one every 5 hours and they start right when they get home so that's all have a very nice day you 5." "So does this mean I don't have to go see the douche who didn't even bother
To call?" Q asked. "Yep your off the hook bud or should I say Mr. Mustache."  Gracie said. We all looked at her confused while Q laughed really hard he almost puked. "When he signed in he signed in as Mr. Mustache and this one over here." She said pointing to Joe "Signed in as Captain Fat Belly and you Mr. Salvator Edward Anthony Vulcano." She stopped to laugh. "Don't think I didn't see yours truly oh or should I say Ja'Crispy?" I couldn't hold it in anymore. Everyone was laughing in the parking lot looking like idiots when this car came speeding in and almost hit is all but barely missed. I looked at everyone. They were shooken up but everyone was okay. We all said our goodbyes and headed off. "I can't wait till I see James because he's not getting any time to explain why he wasn't there because I'm going to go off on him harder then a mother mad at her kids
For not doing anything after
School.  I am fucking furious with him." Jessa said. "Well looks like he's going to get two lectures because what your going to tell him won't even come to words with mine." I said " No there not because I'm not showing him any respect I'm going to barge into his house and go off on him.

2000 words everyone!!


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