One shot #5: "If only she listened to me."

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Leo is an ultimate bad boy of Empire High. Everyone, even the teachers, is scared of him. As much as possible, they avoid him. One eye contact with him is a possibility of you lying six feet under the ground.

 No one knows why he became like that. During his freshman and Sophomore year, he was always on top of his class. He had a girlfriend, and he even ran for a position in the Student Council. He started changing when he was in Junior and everything got even worse now that he’s a senior.

Just like the silent sky, it will not stay silent forever. And during rare times, there’s what we call a falling star. Using science to explain it, it’s only a meteorite. But for some people, it’s a once in a blue moon opportunity to wish. It’s because sometimes, wishing for something to happen gives us a feeling of hope even when everything seems hopeless.

Leo’s silent sky was disturbed by a falling star, and that falling star is named Myunghee whom changed his life.

Leo’s POV:

“What do you think you’re doing?!” I looked at the girl fiercely. I clutched my hand, trying to hold in my anger.

“Reading.” The girl replied. She didn’t even take a good look at me. Her eyes are fixed in the book she’s reading. Who does she think she is?

I narrowed my eyes, “You’re new, aren’t you?” When she nodded, I laugh hysterically. “Woa, no wonder.” I kicked the chair she’s sitting on, “Ya, that’s my seat! GET LOST!” I yelled.

Finally, she looked at me. Is that anger I see in her eyes? She slammed the book in the table. She stood up but her eyes never left mine. “What? Your seat? Does it have your name? Birth certificate?” She crossed her arms on her chest and looked at me with disgust, “Excuse me but as far as I’m concerned, You have no proof that this seat is your property.”

She stared up me from up to down, “huh, handsome but no manners. Such a turn off.” She mumbled. The whole class fell silent the whole time were arguing. They’re obviously too scared to get involve.

Or probably, they know very well what I’ll do to them if ever they try to interrupt, just like what I’d do to this girl who had the guts to mock me in front of the class.

I placed my hand on her uniform, and pulled her towards me. “I usually don’t pick on girls but this time, I can make an exception. Either you get the hell out of my seat or we’ll settle this the way I always do.”

I expect her to be scared, to look down, and silently leave. But she did something I didn’t expect.

She punched me, right in the face.

I heard a lot of gasps that eventually became whispers. The looks in her eyes are just like mine. Fierce. Angry.

 I hate to admit it but that punch really hurts.

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