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AN/ Hey guys! In this chapter Carly and Mikaela meet, yeah, can you see where this is going? Rated T because of the twins flirting. Enjoy!


Sam online

Warriorgoddess online

Cassie online

Will online

Rob online

Leo online

Miles online

Sammy online

Catlynn online

Sunshine online

Sides online


Rob:Hey bro!

Sunshine:Change my name back!

Sammy:Well hello to you to, little ray of sunshine! ;D

Cassie and Sides:*Snickers*


Sideswipe:Glen and Cassie helped. :)

Cassie:Don't drag me into this! At least I know I won't get in to much trouble! ;-)

Sideswipe:How do you no you won't have Sunny and me to deal with. ;)

Sunshine:DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!!!

Cassie:I don't but I have something to look forward too. :D

Sideswipe:*Wriggles eyebrows


Will and Rob:Not on my base!

Catlynn:And not MY sister!

Miles:Get a room!

Warriorgoddess:How do you know they haven't already.

Sam:The images! My eyes!


Sam:Sideswipe I think your twin broke the caps.

Miles:Yeah man.

Warriorgoddess:*rolls eyes* I'll have mercy if you don't.

-Sunshine changes name to Sunstreaker-

Sunstreaker:... Thank you...

Cassie:You know we love you! And really Warriorgoddess, Mikaela?

-Warriorgoddess changed name back to Mikaela-

Mikaela:Why not?


Cassie:OK.... You know I love you! ;D

Sunstreaker offline

Cassie:He's being a baby, I'll make it up to him tonight.

Sideswipe:What about me? *pouts*

Cassie:Don't worry I'll get you too *winks*

Will:Not in my house!

Cassie:I was talking about a wash and wax. Get your minds out of the fragging gutter!

Rob:Yeah Will! Get your mind out of the gutter!

Will:Shut the slag up, you know you thought of that.

Rob offline

Will offline

Carly online

Carly:Hey Sammy, in case you forgotten, we had a date planned out for today. :)

Sammy:Is she talkin to me like she knows me?!

Catlynn:No, she's talking to the other idiot.

Leo:Oh you mean Sam.

Sam:*Face palm*

Mikaela:Hello Carly...

Carly:Hello Mikaela...


Sideswipe:Any bets?

Miles:20 for Mikaela

Leo:30 for the blonde hottie. ;)

Cassie:50 for someone's gonna end up in med bay with the Hatchet and a wrench.

Sam:OK! Carly honey, let's go!

Carly:No, no, no. Mikaela, I would love to hear what you told to Emily and Sammy.

Mikaela:I would but I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to understand such big complex words.

Sam:Ladies please!

Sideswipe:The misses meets the ex, every man's worst nightmare. :D

Miles:I feel for you, bro.

Sam:Why r u so happy! This is terrible!

Catlynn:Were using your pain for our gain.

Carly:That's a lot to say for a garage girl.

Sam:Let's be logical here.

Cassie:Well, that's boring.

Sideswipe:Let's leave logic to Glitchhead.

Leo:Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

Sammy:Just you.

Mikaela:At least I'm not a snobby preppy glitch like you. *smirks*

Cassie:Oooo, she owed you!

Sideswipe:Ooo! She owed you!

Carly:At least my daddy didn't go to prison like yours.

Sam:Carly! Please!

Miles:Ah, I think that's crossing a very delicate line.

Cassie:Ya think?! Micky! Don't! Frag!

Mikaela:Oh Pit nah! Hold on to my wrench!

Mikaela offline

Carly offline

Sam:Mikaela! Carly! FRAG!

Sideswipe:I'll get the popcorn and you get Sunny.


Sunstreaker online

Sunstreaker:DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!

Sunstreaker offline

-A couple minutes pass and every one is watching the catfight but AN/I'll leave it up to you on how the catfight ends!)-

Ratchet online

Ratchet:Will someone tell me how Mikaela and Carly ended up in my med bay?!

Cassie:Well... It sorta begin like this......

End of chapter 6

I hoped you enjoyed this! Vote! Comment! See ya next time!

Mikaela or Carly as Sam's GF?

'See ya in Hell'

~Captian Jack Harkness

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