Freedom for a Price

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The palace of Serene was located at the far end of Alkheim. Meganne's trip there lasted for a month. She had to travel there by sea, so she had to pray to Princess Nebu (okay, she's a goddess) to give her a safe journey.

The journey was long and tiring. Meganne brought the rest: Marianne, Luni and Aria. There was a lightning that almost struck Marianne, but before it could happen, Meganne took a bronze sheild and slid in front of Marianne before it could hit her. A strong storm rocked their ship and they almost sank. A strong wind said 'Don't go, despair only awaits you back home. Besides, this is your home now.'

Still, Meganne continued to sail. She almost felt sunshine and fresh air coming from a land afar. It can't be far, Meganne thought. I can go home.

The hard voyage still got worse. Almost robbed by pirates. Almost caught by enemies. They reached a place where ships mostly sank in. Meganne continued to pray and pray harder. Princess Nebu had no choice but to respond. Someone altered her magic. Someone far away.

Voyaging farther and farther, till they saw a faint figure in the distance of a building. Soon they saw the beautiful place Meganne sensed. It was a large patch of golden grass filled with blue roses that gave life to everything in the land. In the middle of it stood a large palace made of glass and surrounded by a gate made of rare stones.

They went through the gate and entered the palace. Inside the palace, was different staircases leading to different rooms. In the middle of the palace was a throne made of gold and embedded in jewels. A beautiful woman sat proudly on the throne, with a frown on her lovely face.

'I suppose you are Serene, Goddess of Goodness and Peace, Mother of Alkheim?' Meganne asked, after she kneeled down as a sign of great respect and homage.

Indeed it is I, Serene answered. I know what you came here for. You want to come home. I have tried to ruin your voyage here.

'I...we...have a family to come home to,' Meganne protested. 'Even if we are also family, things never come and stay.'

I can't let you. Either stay here for the rest of your lives...or battle the great spirit of the wind and kill her soldier Valmenia.

Meganne's patience snapped and broke in two.

Este le venus garla urna! Meganne yelled in Fantasian
Sarlati...alvinu...mara sinu!

Egad ne esa gara el kara sar es las vantea. Serene said.

Wait for one year, do whatever you could to prepare you to fight. I won't help you. I know you can do it alone with your friends. Prove to are my great-great-granddaughter! Strength and wisdom will set you free and I will not stand in your way.

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