An Ugly Guy's Story

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December 07 - Sunday

I was lying in my bed reading the papers that were given to us by our stupid-ass teacher. I stopped reading it and got up to pick my mirror. I stared at my face. I frowned at how ugly and unattractive I am. I guess there's no hope for people like me huh? But just the thought of her talking to me and being nice to me, I want to get closer to her, so I won't give up!

December 10 - Wednesday

I was sitting at my desk, she was sitted at the opposite side but I could still see her figure in the corner of my eyes. Silky black hair, long eyelashes and pink lips. She was reading. I don't know when I started to like her. . . I think it was when she tried having a conversation with me every lunch? I can't recall, to be honest. 

I didn't notice that I was already staring at her. I continued doing so, until she glanced at me. My eyes widened, What if she thinks I like her? I thought. I can exaggerated at times. My heart began to race. She didn't scoff nor roll her eyes at me like the other girls in our class but instead she smiled at me. I wasn't able to smile back since I was too surprised. I felt my cheeks heat up and hurriedly looked away.

December 12 - Friday

I saw Kate giving the hand-outs for tomorrow's lesson in Math. She's so responsible and hard-working. Who can blame her? She's the class president, after all. I was called out next so I went up to her. I was so nervous that my hands started to sweat. "Here's yours, Jade." she smiled and gave it to me. I hesitantly smiled back and hurriedly went back to my desk, I bet I looked really ugly when I smiled. I sighed and read the lessons.

December 17 - Wednesday

It was lunch and since I didn't have any friends, I decided to eat at my desk. I was happily eating the fried chicken my mom cooked when I heard someone rustling to sit down at the desk beside me. "Wow! Your food looks delicious! Can I have some?" Kate beamed while smiling widely. 

"S-sure. Take as many as you like." I answered. 

After doing so, she placed two lollipops in my desk. I looked at her curiously. "This is my token of appreciation since you always allow me to get some of your lunch." she smiled. Why is she so kind to me as well? Well then, I guess I won't give up on her despite my unattractive face!

December 20 - Saturday (start of school break)

I went to a bookstore and went in to find the magazine I was looking for. After going to different aisles, I finally found it! 'Fashion Trends for Teenage Boys!' I decided to buy the magazine. Then, I went to the romance comic book section. I searched for a book in which the lead guy is over-flowing with confidence and charismatic aura. When I found the right comic book, I went to the counter to pay for the books.

I arrived home and read the magazine first. When I opened it to the fifth page, I saw that all the clothes advertised there were very expensive. $20 for a plain black and white shirt? You've got to be kidding me! To be honest, I originally planned to buy the clothes advertised, but decided not to instead. I dramatically threw the magazine in floor. Wow, that was worthless. 

I moved on to read the comic book and read all of the guy's lines, "Hey babe, want to go to the movies this Sunday? My treat."  I nearly choked in air (if that's possible) reading the lines of the guy. There's no way I can say that! I continued reading the guy's lines,

"I'm sorry for that. It's not my fault that my fans are jealous."

"Do you want to come to my house after school?"

"Stop making me jealous, Nanako!" 

"Shut up or I'll kiss you!"

Yet again, I threw the comic book on the floor. I wasted my precious money on worthless books that I probably won't read again. 

December 21 - Sunday

I went to google to do some research. I typed in, Popular GuysI clicked on the first link that appeared on the search bar. Let's see. . .  The website popped up with a picture of a good-looking guy with too much make-up on. The caption said: "The techniques used by charismatic guys to be popular! Getting girls is a piece of cake!" I looked at my computer screen with a disgusted face.

December 22 - Monday

I decided to get a haircut since my hair looked like garbage. I asked the barber to give me a trendy new hairstyle. After an hour of waiting and dozing off, the barber shook my shoulder saying that it's done. I paid the barber and went to the mirror to look at myself. Not bad. . . Atleast I look presentable now.

December 23 - Tuesday

I decided to wear contacts.

December 28 - Sunday

I went to a near cosmetics shop to buy pimple removers and freckles remover. I plan to use it every day, this school break, so that when I return to school, I won't have pimples and freckles anymore.

December 29 - Monday

I started to fix my posture, eating habits, how I dress. Argh! So much to do!

January 03 - Saturday

I was strolling at mall, when I noticed Kate together with her friends going to the food court. I quietly followed her. I saw that all of her guy friends were really cool. I don't have a chance with Kate!

I went to nearest restroom and looked at my face in the mirror. I actually looked good now, but since my personality is like this. I really won't have a chance with her. If I was only a little bit cooler. . .

But since I want to be close to her, I still won't give up! 

January 07 - Wednesday (resume of classes)

Kate was walking alone in the hallway, holding papers in her hands. Since she was a bit far from me, I ran so that I could catch up with her. I tripped on my knees but quickly got up. She glanced from her behind and both of us were staring at each other.

"I need to take the chance!"

"Don't run away, idiot!"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

"What will I do when I get rejected?"

"She's probably dating someone already. . ."

I looked at her and took a deep breath, "I've always liked you, Kate! Will you go out with me?"


Author's Note: Hope you guys like it! No proof-reading has been done so please bear with me! orz Mejo iniba ko ending :---)

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