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AN: BTW includes some swears and Bella being Bella.

Ford knocked on the door, biting his lip nervously as he waited for someone to answered. After a minute Bella answered, wearing an oversized t-shirt (clearly Stan's from another summer), pajama pants, and with a slice of pizza in her mouth.

"Oh, hey Ford," She greeted, taking a bite of pizza and letting the boy inside, "What's up?"

"I... kinda need to talk to you," Ford answered.

"Of course," Bella nodded and sat down on her couch, inviting Ford to sit beside her, "Whatcha need?"

"You're good with queer terms, right?" Ford asked, sitting down and glancing at her.

"Sure," Bella shrugged, "What do you need to know? Sexuality or gender?"

"Sexuality..." Ford answered slowly, "Or lack thereof."

"M'kay..." Bella nodded, encouraging Ford to go on.

"You know how most teenagers are all..." Ford thought for a moment, "What's the word? When they wanna, y'know, do stuff?"

"Want to fuck anything and everything?" Bella offered, leaning back and opening a soda.

"That's... one way to put it," Ford said, rubbing the back of his head, "Is there... is there something wrong with me if I don't feel that way?"

"What, horny?" Bella asked, "Or like you just don't ever want to have sex?"

"...Both?" Ford questioned.

"Nah, nothing wrong," Bella shook her head. She took a sip of her soda, "Asexual."

"What's that mean?" Ford asked.

"Feeling no sexual attraction to any gender," Bella explained, "Put simply: you don't wanna fuck."

"Ah... yes. That sounds right," Ford nodded, "But... what if I still love Fidds? Because I do! I love him to death, but..."

"Then you're homoromantic and asexual," Bella answered, "You feel romantic attraction, but not sexual attraction. Like how I'm biromantic. I like girls, but I wouldn't wanna do it with a girl."

"Oh. Ok," Ford nodded, "Thank you, Bella."

"No prob," The girl grinned, "I mean, it's all up to you to decide and label who you are and what you feel, but I'm glad I could help describe how you fell n' stuff."

Ford chuckled, smiling at his friend.

"Well, you certainly have helped," He said.

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