Chapter 1- Meeting the enemy

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Ughhh school.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom to wash my face, after that, I put on my moisturizer and headed downstairs for breakfast.

I made myself my favorite blueberry eggo waffles and devoured them in .2 seconds.

After I was done, I put my plate in the sink and headed back upstairs to brush my teeth. I walked back into my room and sat down at my desk/vanity to do my makeup. I don't wear a lot to school, only concealer, mascara, and black bottom under eyeliner.

Once I was done, I picked out my outfit, a black crop top with jeans ripped at the knee, a flannel that I quickly threw on, and white vans. (Picture above)

I got dressed and then lightly curled my long golden brown hair and put it into half up half down.

I looked at myself in the body mirror and decided that I was content with my outfit. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs and out the door.

My mom goes to work at 6:00 in the morning and my parents are divorced, so in the morning it's just me and my younger brother who is just waking up to get ready for school when I leave.

Yep, school starts early.


The beginning of second period is when my life starts breaking into pieces. Mr. Lewis was just starting the lecture when the door swung open and the one and only Hunter Rowland walked in.

"Hi, Mr. Lewis?" Hunter asked walking to the front of the room.

"Yes and you are."

"Hunter Rowland, I'm switching into your English 2 class."

"Well you are in the right spot. You can take a seat right next to miss Johnson." The teacher said and motioned in my direction.

Oh no, that's my last name.

Why does the seat next to me have to be the only open seat in the classroom.

Hunter walks over and sits next to me. "Hey, I'm Hunter." He says to me and flashes his smile.

"Laci, but you can call me nobody, I mean that's what you called me yesterday." I replied and gave him a fake smile before changing my expression to my resting face and looking back to the front of the room.

"Ooh feisty, I like it."

I scoff, "Yeah in your dreams."

"I'm counting on that."

Unbelievable. I haven't talked to him for two minutes and he is already hitting on me.

I just ignore him and pay attention to Mr. Lewis.


Class is almost over, the bell is about to ring, everyone is just packing up their stuff and talking.

"Yeah so my mom bought this amazing new house I'm moving into tomorrow and I heard the people across the street have a smokin' hot daughter my age." I heard Hunter telling another kid in class.

Wait, isn't someone moving across the street from me. Oh goodness. That better not be Hunter's family.

The bell rang and everyone got up. I started heading towards the door to my next class.

"Hey uh Laci wait up!" I hear Hunter call. I internally cringe, but turn around anyway.

"What do you want."

"Woah, okay maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm not actually a stuck up jerk like you saw yesterday."

"Really, your conversation in class with Dylan really makes me think otherwise."

"Was someone eavesdropping on my conversation?" He says sarcastically, smirking.

"It's hard not to when you are sitting right next to me with that loud mouth of yours."

"Fine. Be that way then, I'm done trying to be nice. Good luck making friends with me around. Nobody"

Uh Oh, what did I just do?



- So how do you like it so far? Comment and let me know!

I'm always open to requests, suggestions, or ideas.

See you later lovelies<3

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