Opened Breach

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"Catch me if you can." I say to Barry and Wally as I speed through the city trying to evade their capture. I ran as fast as I could.

"Jesse slow down your reaching Mach Two." Cisco says in my ear comm but I don't listen. I run even faster until a breach opens I try to avoid it but it's no no use. I fly into the breach and it closes behind me. I start running again toward the only light in the breach. I fall into the light of this earth but it's not mine.

I sat on top of building minding my own business when a blue hole opened in the sky and a girl came flying out I use my webs to swing and catch her before she fell to the ground. I looked at her unconscious body. She had on a red suit with a lightning symbol on it; she had a red domino mask of her face. I had never seen anyone dressed so strange.

"Mr. Stark will know what to do with her." I say to myself as I pick her up and head to the Avengers' Tower where he lived with Rhodey. I walk into the living room holding the girl in my arms Mr. Stark stares at me like I'm crazy.

"She fell out a blue hole in the sky, I did not kill her." I tell him and then he looks relieved.

"Put her on the couch, another stray I have to take in." Tony sighed as I laid her on the couch. I felt her pulse; she had no pulse.

"Umm Mr. Stark she doesn't have a pulse." I say, he rushes over and puts two fingers to her neck.

"Why didn't you tell me she didn't have a pulse." Mr. Stark yells at me as she opens her and stared at the both of us.

"I guess she does have a pulse." I say as Mr. Stark face palms himself.

Jesse Quick{Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now