01||Catch Me

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I look at the kid in the skin tight red and blue suit and the man with the strange hourglass shaped goatee who stared down at me in return.

"Who are you?" I ask looking rubbing my eyes which was difficult because of my mask.

"Take her to a cell." The man says.

"But Mr. Stark we don't even know who she is." The kid in the costume says.

"That's exactly why she's going in a cell." The man called Stark says picking up a bottle of water and drinking the whole thing. The boy in the suit picks me up, I don't even feel like fighting I'll just phase through the wall once he puts me in the cell.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Stark is like my boss and I have to follow orders or he'll take my suit and my pizza oven privileges." The boy tells me.

"What do I call you?" I ask him.

"Spider-man until I can trust you with my real name." He replies.

"Jesse." I tell him.

"Is that your real name?" He asks me as puts me in a glass cell.

"Yes I can tell you're a hero I can trust you," I tell him,"you're probably blushing under that mask."

"That's because you are very "flirty", Jesse." Stark says walking up to the viewing part of my cell. What do you mean flirty? I've never been known to be "flirty" even when I did like a boy. I stand up and put my gloved hands against the glass.

"When are you going to let out of the cell?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He answers.

"What if I escape?" I ask him.

"You won't." He tells me. I use my speed to phase through the glass when he takes out his phone and looks at it. He starts walking away.

"Mr. Stark she escaped." Spider-Man says, Stark looks up at me.

"Put her back in the cell then." Stark tells him in a dub tone.

"You'll have to catch me first." I say, I run away as fast as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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