Chapter 3

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A/n: sorry for the really long wait, I was just pretty busy. But now I have an update, and this might be longish so.. Enjoy😂
"Come on in!" Pat said as she opened the door, We entered the house.
"Jacob, why don't you go show Grace your room?" Pat asked
"Ok, sure"

Jacob looked at me and gestured me to follow him. He started to jog up the stairs, then he looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and he continued running up the stairs. Jacob quickly ran in his room and closed the door. That was weird? I thought to myself.

"Can I come in?" I asked laughing slightly.
"Yeah, hold on.." Jacob said.

I heard a few thumps, a sigh and then a door close.
"Ok, now you can." Jacob said opening the door. I stepped in his room and he closed the door behind me then went and sat on his bed.

"wow!" I whispered to myself.
"Yes?" Jacob asked
"Oh, um it's just that your house is so big!" I said looking around his room, then back at him.
"That's not the only big thing here" Jacob replied with a wink.
"Oh your nasty!" I laughed and so did Jacob. I went over and sat next to Jacob on his bed.

"So what was that thing that I wasn't allowed to see?" I asked smirking.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"When you ran in your room before me and closed your door. What was that about?" I asked again
"Oh yeah!" Jacob laughed "I was just cleaning my room"
"I don't mind if it's messy, mine is 24/7!" I laughed
"Yeah but mine was Really messy, like REALLY messy!"
"I bet it wasn't that bad" I said
"Oh really?" Jacob asked standing up walking towards his closet.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood up and followed him. Jacob slowly started opening his closet and then heaps of clothes fell out and onto the ground. There were so many clothes, that we both fell over. And I'm not just over exaggerating, we literally fell over😂

"Oh god!" I laughed as I got up
"Yep, this is pretty much what I go through every morning!" Jacob sighed and then laughed too.
"Why don't you actually go through your clothes?" I asked
"I don't know.. I can never be bothered!" He shrugged
"How about I help you clean your room?"
"Yeah ok! Hold on." Jacob said as he left the room.

I walked back over to the bed and sat down while I waited for Jacob to get back. And ok, I know it's not good to snoop people's rooms but I just had a little peek in one of Jacobs draws... Wow it fas full of stuff! I couldn't even tell what was in there cuz it was so full! I guess we'll have to go through more than I thought!
I was about to pick up something from one of his draws, when I heard someone walking up the steps. I figured it was Jacob so I quickly closed the draw and got my phone out, just to pretend I didn't do anything.

I heard the door open and close so I looked up.
"I'm back! I was just telling mom that you were going to help me clean"
"Oh ok! What did she say?" I asked
"She said that it is really nice of you to offer because cleaning my room by myself would take like, 40 hours!" Jacob said, which made us both laugh.

"But yeah, mom said that you and your dad can stay over for a night because even with someone helping it will still take a long time." Jacob continued.
"Haha yeah I agree!" I laughed "so where will I sleep?"
"Well..." Jacob paused
"I guess you can sleep in my room? The only room in the house that isn't being used is Caroline's but she would hate for ANYONE to go in her room. But other than that there's the lounge room, personally, I'd choose my room because the couches are really uncomfortable to sleep on." He said.

I started to turn a bit red because I have never slept in a boys room before, but also, I didn't want to sleep on an uncomfortable couch or a room I'm not even allowed in.

"So, Grace, what's it gonna be?" Jacob asked again, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Well, uhh, I-I guess I'll sleep in here?" I said stuttering a little.
"Ok! Well... Should we start the room?" Jacob chuckled and I nodded my head.
"So, where do we start?"
"Clothes?" I asked
"Ok, i sure do have a lot of them!" He laughed

The Stepbrother// Jacob Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now