TFA - Chapter 13

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Lugnut was the first to open fire, launching his heat seeking rockets at the Autobot ship. The ship's turrets took aim and fired upon the rockets, taking them out one by one before they could reach the ship. Immediately after, five Autobot soldiers - all fliers - flew out of the ship and headed straight for us. The one that charged towards me was a mech only somewhat larger than myself. He had black, yellow, and white armor with sharp blue optics, and heavily armored frame. 

Oh, great.. I thought, narrowing my optics as I waited for the right moment. The soldier drew back his right arm, which he used to carry a long, silver sword, and a shield in the other. At the right moment, I drew back my arms with my forearm blades engaged, I first attempted to strike him with my right blade. Rather than defending himself with his shield, he swung his weapon at me in sync, our blades colliding. Although the collision didn't last long; just as soon as our weapons made contact, we drew back and swung again, and again, and again. Only every now and then he would use his shield. At one point, the mech took a swing, and I stepped back just enough to avoid his blade, then shot forward and slid under his legs. I then shot back up, twisted around and elbowed him in the back, followed by a swift sweep-kick. It wasn't enough to knock him down, but it sent him stumbling, losing his balance as he released a shout of rage and aggravation. 

Just before I could attempt a final blow, a beam of ice flew over my helm and hit the Autobot soldier. Starting from the center of his back, ice slowly corrupted his frame, freezing him solid. The mech was frozen so that he was glaring at me from over his shoulder, his blade drawn back, ready to twist around and strike. 

I quickly twisted around and saw Blitzwing standing in the doorway of the station, his canons aimed over his shoulders, bits of fresh ice around the rings of the barrels. We shared a nod, then together we joined Lugnut and Starscream in fighting off the rest of the troops. Just as predicted, they were all pretty easy to take down. Once they were out of the way, we now faced the challenge of having to eliminate the Autobot ship. 

"Starscream!" I called out, turning to him. "Head back inside, grab the crate and get your ass outta here. We won't be far behind."

Knowing that it would better to listen than to disobey me and suffer the consequences, Starscream nodded silently before running back inside to do so. 

"Lugnut," I called out again, turning to the large mech. "Fire on the ship as much as you can until those turrets are overheated - distract them for us," I ordered, my voice breaking through the sound of the Autobot ship's engine nearby. Strangely the ship was louder than normal. 

Immediately after giving the order, Lugnut was quick to follow through with it. He slammed his pincer-like fists against the ground and launched dozens of rockets at the ship, which were all destroyed one by one by the defense turrets yet again. Meanwhile, I turned to Blitzwing, then with a jerk of my helm I gestured for him to follow and flew up towards the ship, my partner following close behind. While Lugnut took on the defense turrets as a distraction, Blitzwing and I infiltrated the ship through a wide open entrance on the side of the ship. Once inside, we faced more Autobot troops - three this time. One of them was light blue and grey, another was yellow and green, while the last one was a dark color scheme of blue with white highlights and trim, all mechs.

With my forearm blades still engaged, I picked up the one closest to me - who also wasn't facing me - and stabbed him through the back, the end of my blade exploding out of his spark chamber. The other two readied their blasters and took aim, just in time for Blitzwing to freeze their weapons. 

"Slag!" Shouted the green and yellow mech, as he struggled to convert his weapon back into a servo. I raised my right arm just as I threw down the lifeless body of the light blue and grey mech, aimed at the green and yellow soldier. I disengaged my right forearm blade as the Null Ray on that same arm shifted over onto the top of of my forearm and fired. The shot struck the mech in the chest, firing a hole straight through him, his spark exploding immediately as he dropped dead. Blitzwing took down the last Autobot by grabbing him by the throat, lifting him up and slamming him into the nearest wall. He converted to HotHead, bared his denta, then literally pounded in the Autobot's face. Once the job was done he released the Bot's body, letting it drop to the floor as he turned to me, both of us running through the ship, until we reached a heavily locked door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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