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Ophelia Catherine Sterling was born to an academic and a doctor

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Ophelia Catherine Sterling was born to an academic and a doctor. Her family was fairly wealthy, leaving Ophelia unaware of the horrors of the outside world when things like a good home and safety are taken. She was born with slight Attention Deficit Disorder, making it harder for her in school to stay on top of her studies and to stay organized. Sometimes, she'll zone out entirely when people are talking to her, to their frustration. She regularly takes a daily doses of Methylphenidate to power through this.

At the age of fourteen, her family was involved in a car crash which was fatal for her mother. This left Ophelia with her father, who was cold and never there.

As soon as she could leave her hometown, after finishing high school, she immediately went to NYU, the school of her choice to pursue a medical career. She studies biology as a lead in to medical school.

After witnessing her neighbour being murdered in Brooklyn, she became aware of the dangers of the city. (This incident left her with nightmares that caused mild insomnia.) Ophelia began to operate as an unlicensed private eye, working mostly on cases involving women suspecting their husbands of cheating, before she eventually caught wind of something bigger than that and began to work a case that's been consuming her.

It bothers Ophelia that the world isn't perfect which is why she wants to save everyone. Whether it be as a surgeon or as a private investigator, she wants there to be total serenity, a goal which she will never achieve.

EXTRAS: Ophelia loves cats, owning one named Maggie. Her martial status is single and her sexuality is pansexual, however, she is emotionally preoccupied with a criminal. She frequently dyes her hair, most recently coloring it a rose gold shade. Ophelia is 5'8 and her star sign is Cancer. She carries a gun on her when working as a private investigator, as well as a switch blade.

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