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'YOU PROMISED ME SAFETY IN THIS CITY.' she screamed out to the stranger in the dead of night. 'YOU SAID THIS WOULD STOP, THAT IT'D BE OVER, BUT I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING YOU AND I KNOW.' working up the courage was hard and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull the trigger of her gun. 'YOU LEAD ME THROUGH HELL. THROUGH STREETS OF DEAD PEOPLE, THROUGH A BLOOD-SPLATTERED HOSPITAL, TO MY OWN HOME, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY LOYALTY?' she was desperate, itching for a word to be spoken, for a confession to be made in this ungodly moment. 'YOU'RE THE DEVIL. YOU'RE EVIL. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP YOU.' and right then and there, the detective knew she'd be mocked, belittled. she was the one holding the loaded weapon to their head, but they understood she'd never kill a person. this was ophelia, who only wanted to save lives, whose one wish was to make the world better. she'd been taken through the worst to become what she was, yet there she stood, incompetent and naive. even the best of detectives are idiots, and while she could crack any case, it'd taken her months to see the obvious in front of her. so now there the student stood, trembling like a leaf in the deadliest of winds, trying to think of a way out of this. a way she could fix the person standing before her, the person she'd thought was a friend. she knew she couldn't have them arrested, there was no substantial evidence and the police had already warned her to stop meddling, to stop sticking her nose where it didn't belong. she couldn't let them go either. not without persuasion at least, and she fell so easily to their words. ophelia was far too trusting for her own good. 'PLEASE,' she begged, practically on the verge of tears. 'HELP ME.' and right then, in that very moment, the darkness of her rundown apartment seemed to intensify, swallowing them up whole into the nefarious night. 

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