Chapter Six

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After the incident went unpunished, Hermione looked at Professor Dumbledore with a new set of eyes....

With Hermione

In the heads dorm sat Hermione curled up in front of the blazing fire with a good book. The room gives off a calm atmosphere, this is a safe place for Hermione now. Unfortunately one of the only ones. Especially after Ron's stunt, the Gryffindor's seemed to despise her now. 

Shaking her head at her train of thought, she turns the page quickly and resumes reading. 

101 Ways of Defending Ones self. A limited edition book which Draco had found for her. It wasn't exactly light reading but Hermione thought of it as a challenge. Hermione tried not to concentrate where exactly Draco had gotten this book from. She resisted the urge to shiver after she thought about Malfoy Manor. 

The book was good, it had insightful knowledge and opinions and it put things into a different perspective she hadn't thought of before. 

Hermione stopped reading when she could hear a muffling of voices. Instantly she pulls out her wand, preparing for the worst. While she hadn't told Harry and Ron the password, she had no doubt that they could break through if they wanted to. 

Hermione swallowed and edged towards the edge of the walls, immensely grateful for the dim lighting in the room. She tiptoed in the shadows, waiting for the people to come in. 

With a click, the portrait door opened and the voices were suddenly clearer. 

'See, I told you it was Snakeworms' A male voice spoke but it wasn't unkind. Hermione shook her head in confusion. That didn't sound like Ron or Harry. 

Impatient, she stepped out from the shadows and made eye contact with a group of Slytherins. They froze at the sigh of her. Nobody spoke until Blaise motioned for her to put the wand down. 

'We aren't going to hurt you, we have come for Draco.' He speaks softly. His eyes are quick as the dart around, he notices how tense and worried the girl looks and feels the need to reassure her. 

'How did you get in?' Hermione's voice wasn't as strong as she would've liked. 

'Um..the password?' A  short girl with brown hair spoke. She gave a hesitant smile. 'I'm Pansy by the way. You're Granger yes? The new head girl.' 

Hermione nods and lowers her wand. It was certainly curious how they knew the password but they obviously weren't here to hurt her.

'You weren't expecting us.' Nott says. Blaise rolls his eyes and hits the boy. 

'Well obviously..' He says sarcastically. Nott shakes his head and Hermione avoids his gaze. 

'No I mean she thought we were someone else.' He says and Pansy tilts her head at him strangely. Hermione says nothing and turns away from them and walks back to her spot in front of the fire. She picks up her book as if trying to read but what she don't expect is the three Slytherins making her way over and plopping themselves on the sofa next to her. 

Her eyes raised from the book and noticed the state of them. Blaise looked around the Head's room is admiration, it was obvious this was time he has been in here. Pansy looked bored out of her mind and kicked her legs up on the table and Theo was looked at her. 

Hermione looked away uncomfortable, she felt that Notts eyes could pierce her thoughts. 

'Draco gave us the password.' Nott spoke to nobody in particularly. She was sort of getting Luna Lovegood vibes from him and that almost brought a small smile to her face. 


'So is he here? Draco?' Pansy asked, finally making eye contact with Hermione. Her eyes were carefully guarded and she looked at Hermione wearily. 

Despite them being Slytherins, they were polite. She found she had a lot in common with them, especially Blaise. While some of the conversation was forced, some comments were met with laughter as they waited for Draco. 

Saying he was surprised would be an understatement as he comes back to find his best mates and his love getting along. The thought made him smile. 

He crouches in the shadows and listen as they tell tales of the stories that had occurred over the years. 

'Potter actually believed that Draco was the heir of Slytherin?' Blaise laughs and curls over and Pansy lets out a smile. 

'Yes, they were adamant about it too. I brewed poly juice potion and they actually questioned Draco while posing as Crabbe and Goyle.' Hermione said and laughed at Blaise's horrified expression before it changed into a sly smile. 

Draco smirked and thought back, that obviously explained how he found Crabbe and Goyle asleep in a cupboard. Drugged by his mate. 

'I never knew second years could brew poly juice potion...' Blaise says teasingly and Hermione blushes. 

'I wasn't a normal child.' She says quietly and the quiet Nott was now laughing quietly. 

'Well obviously, otherwise Draco wouldn't have chosen you as his mate.' Nott says before silence falls among the group. 

The silence is certainly uncomfortable but not tense. Hermione clears her throat just as Draco steps out into the light. 'You know?' She asks softly and Pansy gives her a genuine warm smile which throws Hermione off a little. 

Draco cuts in before anything else could be said. 'Yes, they know. It took a while but an explanation was required to explain my behaviour. They are my close friends also.' He says and takes a seat next to Hermione. 

Blaise coos jokingly. 'Aw, Drakie here cares for us now does he?' 

Draco twitches his hand as if to jokingly swat Blaise and Theo notices and lets out a strong laugh. 

Draco internally feels warmth as he joins in on the conversation, happy that those he cared about all get along. 

Night had fallen but there was something different about tonight. There was no tense words, or half-baked assumptions, there were no lies or deceit. Hermione and Draco both felt safe. 


Dear Mother

I apologize that it has been a long time since I have written. A lot has happened since we last spoke. I bring good news! I have found my mate!

To be completely honest, we have a history and it isn't a good one. But once we realised that we were supposed to share a dorm as Head Boy and Head Girl we agreed for a fresh start. Or something along the lines of that happened anyway. 

My point is, I am immensely grateful to have found her! Not only has she now accepted that I am a veela and she is my mate, we are beginning flourish a new friendship!

She is amazing mum, stubborn and hard-working yet beautiful and kind. I am sure you too will get along perfectly. Hopefully I can bring her home for the Christmas holidays! With your permission and father's permission first of course. 

She even gets on with Blaise, Pansy and Theo too! It feels like things are working out perfectly and I am very happy to say the least. I wouldn't want to rush her, but I do look forward for the time in the future I can claim her as mine. 

Mother, my mate is Hermione Granger. While the name may surprise you, I plead with you to meet her before you judge. She is my other half and leaves me feeling whole. I know I wouldn't be able to get that with anyone else. 

On another note I do so hope that you and father are well. I was under the impression that he had a multitude of meetings as of late and I hope you have have good company while he is away. 

All my love, 



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