Tour and justin ?

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Of course Teo ruins the moment me and Mickey got up and got dressed . I went downstairs with Michelle I was holding her hand and she didn't seem to care anyways.
Me: Teo now what did you wanted ?
Teo: justin called about the tour
I left the room and went to go call justin
After me and him went downstairs and he went to go call justin . I wonder was we a couple or was that for fun because I really like him now .
Teo:you know your all he talks about lately right
Me: am I really?
Teo:yeah he really likes you
I couldn't help but to be happy about what I hear . Jaden came back in the room I looked at him and smiled he sat next to .
Jaden: so we need to talk
Jaden : so that wasn't just moment that was something more
Me: you felt it to
Jaden: I have to ask you something
Me; yes ?
Jaden: will you be my girl ?
Oh my god Jaden ask me out oh my god what should I say what should I do
Me:Jaden I will love to be your girl
Jaden: okay great now one more question
Me:no we are not having sex again I'm tired baby
Jaden: not sex I'm tired to but I want you to go on tour with me
Me: omg I will love to baby
Willow walked in the house I didn't even knew she left she she threw clothes at Moises , Teo & Jaden and she was dressed
Willow: let's go to the mall
Me: okay but I need to shower and get dress so I'll be back
Willow:wait Mickey can the boys use the bathrooms
Besides my bathroom there's a bathroom in my mom room, in the hallway there's a bathroom , & a bathroom in my brother's room
Mickey: yeah sure show them the bathrooms Willow .
-----AFTER. MY SHOWER-----
She walks in the room
Willow: what happen and awe I like that dress you are wearing
Me:thanks and I have something to tell you
Willow: what happen girl
Me: I'm dating your brother
Willow: awe if he ever hurts you I'll kill him
Me:this is why you are my best friend <3. I left my curls out today I was wearing a blue dress that goes up to my knees and blue flats I looked really cute. When I walked downstairs I saw Jaden fixing his shirt . I called Alex I had to tell him I'm gonna go on your with Jaden for two months .
Phone call
Me: Alex
Alex:Yes sis?
Me:I'm going to go on tour with Jaden and Justin
Alex:wait what when?
Me: Tomorrow is the first show but I'm leaving tonight
Alex:I'll be home at 6 okay but with that being said you can go but how long is it ?
Me: two months
Alex:I'll tell mom later on okay ?
Me:thanks Alex love u
Alex:yeah okay love u to ugly
End of convo
Later on in the day
Jaden: so tonight u will meet Justin okay ?
Jaden: excuse me ?
Me:sorry baby u know I love you
Jaden:I love you to u better be my fan to
Me:ofc I am a fan of yours
Willow she's a bigger fan of justin she was the one less lonely girl last time he had a concert here u should of seen her she was crying he kissed her on the cheeks
Me:ssh Willow
Jaden:no Willow keep talking
Right in that second Alex walked in the house
Alex:okay Michelle let me talk to u in the kitchen and hi Willow and Jaden what's good
Willow&Jaden:hey Alex
I walked into the with Alex
Alex:okay first I want to say I know about u n Jaden cause I saw u at the mall
Oh shit he's not going to let me even go now .-.
Alex:I want to tell u that if ya think about taking it to the next step please wear a condom and second I want you to be careful the whole time I want you near everyone in the group and don't walk by your self anywhere okay
I'm still shocked he's letting me go I nodded and ran up stairs and packed my things I packed a lot of pretty clothes and packed all the things I needed to survive for two months . I brought my stuff down and hugged Alex goodbye I'll miss him it's the first time traveling places without him. Me Willow and Jaden got into the car and we drove to Justin house . When we got there justin opened the door he smiled at me and willow and did some bro hug with Jaden.
Justin: Jaden are theses the two girls traveling with us?
Jaden:justin this is Willow my little sister and this is my Girlfriend Michelle.
Justin: Michelle you looked very beautiful and very familiar have we met before?
Willow: yeah she was your one less lonely girl last time u was here
Justin: wow isn't Jaden lucky to have you then . We went to the hotel suit where me and Willow on one side and justin and Jaden on the other side. I got a text message I looked at it
My Baby Jaden😘: babe come to my room I need you ;)
Me:okays baby I'll go give me a second😉.
I walked to Jaden's room it was dark
Me:Baby r u here ? Jaden?

I'm in my closet I don't know how I got here but I here Michelle calling me
Mickey: Baby r u here? Jaden?
I tired to talk but I couldn't my arms and mouth was tapped. I hear a door closed I'm thinking Michelle left
Michelle: Jaden is that you stop playing baby and come here !
Fuck Justin's in the room with here
Mickey: what happen to your hair I don't feel any curls ? And why did you loose muscles ?
My baby being tricked I'm trying to get out of this tape then I remember there's broken glass I'm started to hear her moan my name and i quickly look for the broken glass I found it I cut the tape off my hands but I kinda cut a little of my skin I didn't care I rip the tape and broke the closet door
I turned on the light to see him fingering her and she stared at me like what the fuck is going on I'm not even mad at her I'm mad at justin I pulled him back and kept punching him and he started hitting I was dripping blood and so was he. I looked over and saw my poor baby scared and crying I picked her up and put her in her room she kept saying sorry
Me:I'm not mad at you Michelle I'm mad at Justin she screamed when she finally looked at me
Mickey: Your face your all bloody .

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