The Abode

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You would know all about the Abode, wouldn't you? It's one of the most popular social-spots in majestic Cryaria, the idyllic capital city of Talimara.

In the confined depths of the Cryarian Gungrouth Escalade, there is a small establishment known for being precisely how it is. Tiny, out of the way, a little off the beaten track. It's been known to play good music as well. Drop by for the blues when the jazz harmonix turns up on Friday evenings. Occasionally a male vocal group may appear during ladies' night. And on Saturdays it becomes a haven for freestyle musicians. At all other times of the week a number of residential disc jockeys take turns entertaining the clientele.

Normally you would not immediately know about this place. For people first arriving in Talimara's capital city, they are typically awed endlessly by the pristine shine of the cityscape. I've seen it many times before, the disbelief in the eyes of the travellers, accompanied by a sliver of conviction that what they're observing must be an impossibly-clever illusion. Would that if it were. It is very real, I'll have you know. Cryaria is the realest place on Earth! And this little place is one of the bright spots in the city.

After the gleam of the towering structures in the Stellar District fade from your immediate attention, you begin to examine the tightly-erected buildings in the Lower Metropolis. It looks like such a detailed picture. Somehow you can't wait to get started with exploring it all. Unfortunately that will take longer than your return ticket will allow. You'll definitely want to see the monuments at the Aged Hall of Heroes and the Pantheon of Talimara, decorated in grandeur and glory. You may want to cruise the shoreline of the Cryarian coast of the Great Lake and even descend to the underwater districts, colloquially dubbed as the "submerged society."

Once you're done with all that and the sun begins to set, the capital takes on a new life of its own. It is very much like Charopolis, the City of Cheer, which thousands of years ago was once known as New York, a city which never slept. In a similar fashion, Cryaria wasn't nicknamed the City of Eternity for nothing. Not only will she stand when the world ends, but her celebratory spirit comes to life every night. Talimarans have much to celebrate- it's been so for millennia. Being the most powerful nation on Earth does have its perks in that way.

But again I digress. The Cryarian nightlife is one of the most exotic in the Nation. Many citizens hibernate during the day and emerge at night. They walk the streets and skyways now, many of them wearing clothes colored by technology, artificial light winking from eye-mounted devices, patterns on sweaters and the tumbling icons of the mindgate. That's something else I ought to mention. At night, the technological scene also awakens. Tourists who visit the city at night can see many young mindgate surfers interacting in the physical and digital realms, youths dancing at various locales and much more.

The Abode is one such locale you should take note of. I'm sorry it's taken so many words to finally show you this curious place. It's in a block directly across the multiway from Nimbina, a popular mall for the youths and young adults. Get off your antigravitational skycruiser at the foot of the building and you see the levels lit up with different shades of subtle light. What is this place? It's one of the best clubs in this part of town. The term "club" is used, but a better Talimaran word would be "resthouse." People don't come here to turn tipsy. That's generally frowned upon these days. That's because by this day and age humans have been genetically-modified to be resistant to the effects of alcohol. That means if you are even remotely tipsy, you must have drunk a great deal of the stuff. Our stamina has also increased, which means that we can party literally all night long. But you don't do that at a resthouse. People go there to talk, seek advice, learn, and to have a leisurely good time.

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