Chapter Four: Broken

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World three is subject to a young tween with short, black hair and brown eyes. She's the sweetest girl for miles, and very childish.

Her name is Madison.

"Hey Madi!" Said the familiar, friendly voice of a young teen with shoulder length messy brown hair.

"Hey John!" Said Madi, seating herself at a booth with him. They were at a kids pizza place, complete with animatronics and cute activities for kids.

"Where's the rest of the nerd gang?" Asked John. Madison rolled her eyes, taking off a black backpack that she wore and setting it next to her.

"They're coming." She said, smiling.

He reached over and pinched her cheek, and she squeaked. "Don't do that John!"

He smirked, sitting back down.

"You Muffin Apple." She snapped, pretending to pout. John widened his eyes in shock, putting a hand over his heart in horror.

"I never knew you were capable of such strong language!" He gasped.

"Well, even the sweetest of children hates a Mother F-" started the voice of a boy with short blonde hair and blue eyes, but was cut off by Madison.

"Benjamin we are in a children's restraunt!" She said.

"Pardon my language child." Said the blonde, smirking.

"Ben, stop being a brat." Said the voice of a sassy female behind him,with similar blonde hair that was considerably longer than Ben's and one bright green eye, the other being bright red.

"Catherine calm down." Snapped a boy with long, brown hair in a ponytail and brown eyes.

"Everyone sit down." Welcomed Madison, ignoring the argument that was most likely going to start and with a bright smile on her face. But before they could sit, one of the animatronics came over to them. 

"Hey kids!" he said in a goofy voice. It was a bear, with soft, golden fur and a top hat. It had buttons on its chest and a black bow-tie.

Madison looked up at him. "Hey!" she said cheerfully.

"Since you guys come play here so often, we decided to get you a special present!" he said. The five kids shared excited looks.

"Just come back this evening at 10:00, and we will have it ready!" he said. The five all nodded excitedly, and the bear left.

"That's a bit odd, don't you think?" said the boy with brown hair.

"These people are so nice! I say we should go!" said Madison.


They walked in and sat down at their usual spots. The place would close in 30 minutes, so this was a strange time to give stuff away.

"Where is he?" said John eagerly, looking around. He stood up on his booth, causing Madison to giggle.

"I don't know, but if you got your a-" started Ben.

"Ben." snapped Catherine.

"Butt out of my face then it would be easier to see." finished Ben, correcting himself. 

"Some 13-year-old, eh?" said the unnamed brunette, smirking, as John sat down.

"Quit your whining." replied Ben, who scanned the restaurant. 

"Was this a scam?" asked John, checking his watch.

"Nope! Look!" said Madison gleefully, pointing to one of the "Staff Only" doors. It was opened, to show the golden bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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