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It was the day of the dance!! Ahhh! I can't wait! I have a really pretty dress, a really cute date, and great friends to hangout with tonight. I'm so excited!!

I walk into school, going straight over to Chris. "Hey cutie." I wink

Hey comes over and hugs me saying "I can't wait for tonight." I nod excitedly.

*a few hours later...*

It's time for the dance. I'm so excited!! As I walked into the dance I saw Chris and walked over to him. He looked so cute!! I decided I was going to tell him I liked him tonight. I hope he likes me too! I think.

"Hey bro" I say. He laughs and hugs me.

"Ready to dance? By the way, you look beautiful!" I blush and say yes right as a slow song comes on.

I decide I will tell him during the next song, not quite yet though.

As we dance slowly, smiling at each other, I'm about to tell him I like him, when I hear someone saying Chris's name. I look up and see the one girl I haven't liked since i got here. The slut of all sluts, Kailtlyn. Gross.

"Chris! Hi!" She's wearing the tightest shortest dress she could wear without getting kicked out. Her boobs are hang out of her dress and her heels look like stripper heels. I hate her.

"Hey" he hugs her, longer than he hugged me, I notice.

"Oh Alyssa." She says snottily.

I just nod at her.

"Mind if I uh, cut in?" She asks sweetly. "No of course not. I tightly smile at her and walk away.

I sit down across the room and look at them longingly, wishing she was me. She notices and just winks.

That was the last time Chris spoke to me that night.

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