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I wake up to a start. My face and palms sweaty. The room was still dark, telling me it's still night. I can hear my dads conversation with the mayor in the room next to mine.

"Are you sure that's a good idea." My dad says concerned.

"Yes! We need more people, and kids would work." The mayor says.

"I know but you have a kid and so do I, how would you feel if that happened to them." Dad responds.

"Enough of this, I need to go we'll talk about this later" the mayor gets up and walks out of our cubical.

I wonder what they're talking about. Not letting it bother me, I decide to go back to sleep.

Again I'm awake, but this time I know it's morning. The sirens sound telling everyone to go to the cafeteria in our apartment. I force myself out of my comfy bed and onto the cold tile floor (Yes tile, all cubicles at made of tile because the government thinks it's safer.)

I was a lot more lucky than other kids, My cubicle was big (A whole three rooms!) most have a one room cubicle. Ever since people in America started finding out how to treat deadly diseases, the population grew rapidly. So they only built apartments which where one room each. Sometimes you'd even have to share one. But important people (Like my dad, he's second in command for town) get at least 2 or more rooms for themselves and there family. Also there where no houses, just big cities cramped with apartments

"Irelyne!! Get moving meal 1 is almost over don't you want it today." my dad yells.

"I know I know, I'm just getting dressed." I answer.

It was just my dad and I. I mean I never really had a mother. My dad just found me on the street he said. But at least he has had a couple of girlfriends. I guess they're like moms, right? My dad says that my mom was lovely, but she wasn't really my mom I guess.

"Irelyne! I'm serious we need to go!" Dad yells once more.

"I know I'm right here calm down." I respond.

He grabs my hand and we walk down.

Once we reach the dining room I find my friend Jane. She's really my only friend, and I don't even know if she likes me. Like yeah we've been friends for almost 3 years, but she always choses other people over me. She also has this thing about only coming to my house because I have all the new equipment. We are also complete opposites, Jane is tall, skinny, blonde, blue eyes and fashionable, while me on the other hand is short, chubby, brown/blackish hair, brown eyes and the last thing you would call me is fashionable.

"Hey Jane!" I call wondering where she is.

I see her with her family. I run over wondering why she's with them.

"Hi Jane I was looking everywhere for you." I say.

She lifts her head up from her moms shoulder. Her eyes are red and puffy and her skin is this blotchy pink.

"Oh hi Ireylne." she responds with sadness in her voice.

"What's wrong." I say sympathetically.

"Something bad has happend in my family." She says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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