Chapter 1: Prologue

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Chapter 1

"We have to make this quick," I say to Bellamy as I push him farther into the room, shutting the door behind me quickly. He pulls me towards him, locking our lips in a passionate kiss.

I move my hands to his shoulders and start removing his guards jacket. "I hate this jacket so much," I mumble against his lips.

I feel vibration tingling against my lips, telling me his chuckling at my comment, "oh shut up, you love it."

I pull away, "yeah right."

"Come back here," he says, taking a step toward me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I pull my wrist up into my vision. "We have ten minutes before I have to be back," I say to him.

"Then stop talking and lets do this," he says pulling off my shirt and throwing it on the ground. I latch my arms around his neck, pulling myself towards him. He starts walking backwards toward his bed feeling us falling back and on to the bed.


Footsteps sound off the wall, vibrating through the hall. I quickly glance over my shoulder to see if anyone is watching me. Turning around and taking a deep breath, I face the metal cabinet. Staring at me are the medical supplies like alcohol swabs, needles, band aids, gauze, medical tape, and more. I look over my shoulder once more to see if anyone is coming and unlock the cabinet.

"Who's the morphine for?" Abby Griffin, Chief of Medical asks me.

"I always forget that you're quiet on your feet," I say back to her, letting out a breath that I had been holding in. She's holding a clipboard, checking off supplies on the list.

"So, the morphine?"

"Oh, right. Um, patient came in vomiting blood and abdominal pain. I'm going to give her thirty milliliters to ease the pain, then scan the stomach to see what's going on," I lie to her.

Nodding her head, she looks back down at the clipboard. "Notify me if anything else happens."

Nodding my head, I turn back around, making sure she's gone before I slip two bottles of morphine into my white lab jacket pocket and walk away.

Checking behind me, I see Abby is looking into more bins in the ward. I pick up my pace and walk out of the medical wing.


"I got what you asked for."

"Good girl," Inspector Grus says, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I raise my hand, catching his before he got too far. "If that's all you want, I guess I'll be leaving now." I start to turn.

"Not so fast, you can tell your boyfriend that I'm going to be paying his mom a visit soon," he says with a cocky smirk.

Scoffing, I turn around and walk away.


"Bellamy," I rush out. Opening the door to his room, peaking my head out to see if anyone is falling me, and slam it shut quickly. "Bellamy, you gotta help me."

A few weeks ago, Bellamy's mom got him a recommendation to join the guards.

I turn and look at him. He's wearing his guards uniform. His smile fades when he sees the look of panic on my face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he walks towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down.

Bellamy and I grew up together. He's about two years older than me and one of my only friends on the Ark, maybe besides his sister.

My breathing is heavy. Walking out of his grip, I start pacing around in his room.

"Hey, hey, what happened? What's wrong?" he steps in front of me, halting me from my pacing.

"I-I took morphine from the medical wing," I say quietly, looking down, ashamed.

"What?" he says quietly at first. "What?" he says a little more loudly. "Do you have it with you? Who knows?"

"Of course, I don't have it with me," I scoff. "I'm not that stupid."

"Where is it?" he asks.

"Grus," I say, looking down again.

"Inspector Grus?" he asks shocked like I would do something so stupid.

"He not only torments your family, but mine too," I say to Bellamy, taking a step back from him with a look of hurt on my face. "He knows I work in the medical ward. He's a creep and this is the only way I could get him off my back."

"OK, OK," he takes a step towards me, running his hand through my hair. "OK," he says in his serious voice. "Go back to your room and don't come back out today. Keep quiet about this, and don't tell anyone, no one. Tomorrow, you go back to work like normal, don't act different, don't seem different. Just do what you normally do," he says to me.

When I don't respond to him, he shakes me slightly. "Do you hear me?"

"Y-yes," I say shaking, nodding my head like some sort of mad man.

"OK, turn around and walk away, I'll take care of this."

I turn away from Bellamy. Before I leave, I quickly turn back to him, kiss him on the cheek, mumble a quick 'thank you,' before looking out the door and turning in the direction of my room.


"I'm going to have to give you stitches," I say to the patient sitting on the bed in front of me. "I'll be right back." Walking away, I put my hands in my coat pocket, trying to keep them steady. I've been a nervous wreck since yesterday and I can't stop shaking from nerves. I have become paranoid, constantly looking over my shoulder every few seconds.

"So, he's going to need about five stitches, standard. Can I get the go ahead and proceed?" I ask Jackson, Abby's second-hand-man.

"Sure, grab some numbing for it, it's in the cabinet next to the morphine." I stutter for a second. Taking a quick breath, I walk towards the cabinet. I open the drawers, I quickly grab the numbing cream before turning around, only to come face-to-face with two guards, one of them being Bellamy.

"Jae Sombers, you are under arrest for the theft of morphine in the medical ward. Turn around and place your hands behind you back," the taller one says to me. I'm numb. I silently do as I'm told, feeling the eyes of everyone in the ward staring at me.

Bellamy turned me in? I say to myself. The one person I trusted betrayed me.

Turning to the wall, I face it and the guard grabs my wrist, pulling me out of my daze. "No," I mumble.

"No!" I shout. I yank my hand free, and thrust my palm into the guard's nose, breaking it instantly. I turn to Bellamy who has a pained look on his face.

"You son of a bitch," I yell at him, running and punching his square across the jaw.

I take a step back and watch Bellamy.

"Bellamy, get the stun baton and taze this bitch," the guard with the broken nose says to him.

"Don't you dare, Bellamy," I say to him. I feel quick zap on my back. I turn and face the guard with the broken nose in shock.

"Do it, Cadet Blake!" the guard yells to him as I focus my attention on him.

"I'm sorry," I hear Bellamy say quietly as he holds his stun stick on me. I scream out in pain.

The pain was too much for me because a second later, I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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