Chapter 1

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          "Bye Mum!" I kiss her on the cheek as she flips through the morning paper in the kitchen. "Luke and I are going down to the beach for a little bit after school, so I'll see you before dinner."

          "Not so fast miss," My Mum says, putting the paper aside and holding up her tea mug. She's totally going to reject the idea of me going to the beach with Luke. "Luke can come back with you for dinner if you'd like." 

          "Thanks Mum, I'll ask if he wants to stay and give you a ring before class starts," I say, pulling my hoodie over my head. "I don't want to miss the bus, so I'll see you later."

          Mum waves and returns to her paper, reading about the new cinema downtown. I can't believe she invited Luke over for dinner! Usually she lets Luke and I hang out at his place but he's never aloud to our house. I felt a drop of rain on my head as I walked down my narrow street to the bus stop. It was only about six- thirty in the morning, but school started at a very early seven-twenty.

          Luke drives to school now, on his special permit. I haven't gotten mine yet, and don't particularly care to. I like taking the bus into school. t gives me plenty of time to listen to music and just think. Speaking of Luke, he lives down the street from me. His house is at the very end of our dead end, with blue shutters and  a big, brown door.Our tiny town on Australia's east coast was right next to the beach, most houses were within a hundred meters or so from the sand.  

          The bus came to a screeching stop right in front of my curb. I fumbled in my bag for my student ID as the driver opened the door. I held it in front of her face so she could read it and she gave me a smile.

           "Good morning Jaiden, It's a day three today," She pointed to a small screen next to her steering wheel, embedded in the dash of the bus. Our school has a rotating schedule, meaning you didn't have every class each day.  On a day three, you have classes 3,4,5,6,7 and 8. You drop one and two. You get an hour break between five and six, when Luke and I usually hang out in the court yard.

          I make my way to the back of the bus and plop into my seat, pulling my hood down off my head. I plug in my headphones and listen to a bunch of music. I'd never be able to play or sing as well as the people I've  seen on TV but I personally think that 'd be awesome to manage a band. You get to be involved with music and help other people reach their dreams, that just seems like the perfect job to me.

          The bus was particularly quite today, aside from a few freshman there was only one other boy on the bus that I hadn't ever seen before. He looked to be some sort of Asian, but in Australia that's pretty unlikely. He was pretty cute I'd have to say, his dark hair and eyes made him stand out to me. The bu reached the school and I unplugged my headphones, and I shoved my hoodie into my backpack. We worn uniforms here, skirts for the girls and nice dress pants for the guys. My burgundy skirt always sat a little too high on my waist, making it appear I had pulled it up to show more of my thigh. I pull down on them hem of the skirt and brush a few pieces of lint off my navy blue blazer. My white collar peaked out from underneath making me look like an American Flag half of the time.

          I pass the cute Asian looking boy as I hop of the bus, saying a quick thank you to the friendly driver. As I walked over to my locker I saw Luke in the corner of my eye. He was in the office again for whatever reason, breaking a rule of some sort at least once a week. He was the perfect student, but he wasn't to keen of the 'no body jewelry' rule we've got here. I shove my bag into the small navy colored square of metal and grab my morning books. I hated started the day with maths!

          "Hey Jaiden," I hear a familiar voice behind me and I spin around. I almost knew it was Luke by the smell of his cologne, but I still get uneasy when people sneak up behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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