Full Moon Menstrual Madness

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Summer nights are the worst. The combination of the heat, the bare skin, everything comes together and is just worse. It's June and the full moon is coming and it's just all bad. That night before she left for work her brother lounged on her bed talking, "so, you think you gonna be okay tonight? I mean I can leave band practice early. Or like why don't you take the night off?"

She turned to glare at him, "is you crazy? You know that calling in cause your period is fixing to start is not a thing right? I'll be fine. I got my board and I'll cut up through the ass end of the Jungle. It just got raided like three days ago, nobody'll be around." Her glare softened, his concerned face always made her think of chubby serious puppies. "Don't make that face, it'll be good. I'll make breakfast when you get home."

Mention of breakfast made him smile. "I'll stop at the Kin and pick up some fresh sausage, they always open early for me." Deal made and brother soothed she finished getting ready for her shift at the diner. After her brother left, she raided the fridge and powered down the last of the milk and a handful of the last of their ground burger. She brushed her teeth and grabbed a few emergency tampons and headed out.

A few times after the nightly rush of drunks she had to step out back and stand bent at the waist trying to breathe through the pain. When the worst of it passed, she was able to go back inside and smile at stinky men, she poured coffee and talked enough flirtatious shit to make a good amount of tips. Good tips notwithstanding she felt like horse shit.

"Awwwwpobrecita you want an Oxy baby?" The voice was warm and sweet, laden with real concern of the type that comes from that one wild ass old Auntie everyone has. She smiled and shook her head, "naw. I'll be okay. But like," she lowered her voice, embarrassed, "my pussy hurts. Like all of it. Is that normal?" She gestured vaguely to her crotch region. The older woman clucked her tongue, "oh yeah, my daughter gets it like that. When you get home take off your pants and panties and put a warm cloth on it. Or get fucked for a few hours, it'll be sore, but worth it."

There was no blood on her shift. She had a few close calls, but each time found the crotch of her panties unsullied. The last time she sat with tears in her eyes for a good ten minutes before she could muster the energy to get her uniform pants back up and her work smile back on. She reapplied her lipstick and allowed herself the softest puppyish keen, "Ohuwooowooo."

At the end of her shift, she stood dancing foot to foot while the manager counted her out. "Nice, you want me to call you a taxi?" The balding very pink man who is the night shift manager looks at her with a mix of concern and amusement. She grins at him, "naw I got my board and if anybody tries it, bap bap bap." She mimed hitting someone with her skateboard and he shook his head. "I will never understand how you ride that thing, but you won't ride in a car." She changed into her jeans before getting ready to head out, checking her underwear one more time before deciding to chance it.

She shrugged and pocketed her money, before turning to leave. "Deuces bitches." Her manager called from behind her, "be careful don't go to jail. I need you tomorrow night." She threw a peace sign over her shoulder and stepped out of the back door right onto her trusty old Longboard. She rolled slow and gracefully twined her long black and pink braids into a huge bun on the back of her neck, that done next thing her earbuds come out of her pocket and flicking her eyes from the road to her phone she scrolled through playlists until she found the right one. Swan Lake started to play and she smiled and kicked to get going faster.

In spite of the pain in her crotch and uterus, the closeness of the full moon and the sticky summer air against her skin she felt pretty good. The prospect of a big old wolf style breakfast made her smile even bigger as she flew out of downtown and headed into the neighborhood known as The Jungle. Outside of the neighborhood, people called it the sketchy part of town. Sure, there was crime and gangs and back in the day, crack hit and everything was fucked- yet it was still kind of beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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