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For hundreds of years, Zeref has used to his company and his company alone. Shying away from humanity, he learned to cope with loneliness and entertained himself with watching life break down.

He has never liked anyways.

However, one blonde, strangely, had a different opinion.

Zeref met the enigma one thunderous night, raging rain and all. Sitting below a large and old tree, he closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of rain splashing onto the dirt ground.

No animal cries were heard, but the peaceful atmosphere was ruined as he heard soft footsteps approaching him. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by a blond girl, holding a pale white umbrella over his head, paying no attention to the rain that is soaking the back of her pale white dress.

Zeref took the time to take in her appearance. Long blond curls spilled down her back, touching the back of her knee. Strangely enough, at the side of her head, sat two wings. She was short, but that simply helped increase the innocence that surrounded the girl. Her face was small, with the slight baby flat in her cheeks.

Her emerald green eyes shone with a pureness he almost never seen throughout the centuries. They captivated him, and almost made him miss her next words.

"We should go somewhere dry." The girl softly whispered, and she held out a small hand. "Let's go."

Hesitantly, he took the hand.

And it bloomed from there.

Mavis has fell in love with Zeref, for his dark and brooding self and the way how he walked around with grace.

 Zeref also fell in love with her, for her innocent laughter and the way how she easily smiles at him, as if he wasn't one of the darkest being in the world.

Often, they sneak past their friends - of course Zeref's  'friends' aren't exactly 'friends' - with feeble excuses and around humanity to simply be in each other's company, exchanging small talk and soft, intimate touches.

Slowly, but surely, they were closer and less hesitant about their relationship.  

A year or so passed, and with each passing day, Mavis and Zeref grew closer; at an unhealthy speed.

Maybe it's because Zeref finally has the human contact he unconsciously craved for so long. Perhaps it's because Mavis found the connection she wanted. Maybe not. But they were happy.

 And for the time being, that was enough.

And soon after, another life was born.

The word escaped. As Mavis held the newborn in her arms, looking more fragile than a vase, an explosion echoed throughout the town. 

The midwife, a close friend of Mavis', clutched a dirtied rag before flickering her onyx eyes over to the small window.

"I wonder what could it be...?"

Her question was answered as Zeref pushed the door open, not minding the organic smell that surrounded the room.

His eyes finally settled on the infant in his lover's arm. 

"Zeref," Mavis muttered, staring up at the stoic man. "Is everything alright?"

Zeref allowed the stern expression slip from his face as he gave a gentle shake, indicating, no. He was not going to lie to Mavis, even if it's best to after the painful hours she struggled. Moving to beside the bed, he hesitantly drew out his hand towards the child. It faltered, and he was about to pull back when Mavis freed one of her hand from the baby to hold onto his pale hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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