Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't been on! I couldn't think of what to do, no excuses tho right? My fault, I take all the blame...anyways enjoy!

I wake up. Happy is fanning me and Natsu is in my face. "Hey your u-"

"GET OUT OF MY FACE!"I throw him off and he lands into a wall.

I look at my hands. "H-how did I do that?"

"Your powers have finally come. You are a very rare and powerful person. You are a nymph." Master says.

He leads me to a little arena and I look around. "What is this place and is it because of my last name that I'm a nymph?" I ask him.

"This is where you will train and no. You are descended from a nymph."

"Natsu!" Master calls Natsu.


"You and Gray are going to teach her how to fight and y'all will prepare by fighting each other."

Natsu's mouth is wide open. "I can't hit a girl!"

"I can hit you though." I punch him in the stomach. He goes down.

Gray comes over and tries to land a punch on me. I dodge them all....somehow.

"Ice make shield!" He made a shield every time I would try to hit him.

I felt a tingle in my hands and something in my mind told me to wave my hands.

I waved my hands and he stood there frozen trying to move.

He was shocked. "H-how did you do that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt like I should wave my hands and I did that. And here you are."

I walk over and pat his head.
Oh M G!! I just beat Gray!!! Fangirl time!!!

I do not like this....I do not like Gray and HER together.

Natsu comes up behind me and I duck in time to see a fist full of fire.

I back up when I feel the tingle again. This time I point to the ground. Vines come up and attach themselves to Natsu.


Am I that powerful to beat both of them?

She's good. I want to go against her to see what happens.

I turn around to Ursa and smile. "You know I can hear you right? And thanks for the complement."

She smiles. "I would like to go against you."

She changes into a long white and gray dress with swords all around her.

I might be beat on this one.

She throws 15 swords at me and all of a sudden I'm not there.

I'm right behind her. She gasps and turns around, but I wave my hand and she freezes.

Everyone is silent. The master was astonished that I had beat all of his most powerful team and that I was still standing.

Maybe not.

I stagger. I drained too much energy...again. Natsu is let go from the vines and Gray and Ursa are let go from my freeze attack.

"If she keeps draining herself, she'll die." I hear Ursa say.

"We must keep training Sarah till it doesn't drain her." Master says.

"She....beat all of you." Lucy says astounded.

"No one can do that,....not without being very powerful." I know they're all staring at me.

"She has a fever again." Gray sighs.

I like Sarah, but if she keeps up like this she may die. I don't want someone I care about to die.

Gray.....I blush though they probably don't notice because of my already flushed skin.

He likes me....what should I do?

He is touching her...again. Why won't he touch me or look at me like that?

Juvia....she is gonna hate me. I'm stealing her boyfriend and she won't like it.

I worry about Juvia and my feelings for Gray till I see darkness.

I finally did it! I finally wrote the chapter!!! *happy dance* I ship Sarah and Gray! Let's see...Grarah... Sray.....I like Grarah better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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