Chapter 7

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jeremy couldn't believed the gap that was between the boy in the photo and the boy who stood in the same room as him and scott

The boy in the photo looked like a michevious boy, a guy who likes to bully his little brother. In the photo was a young boy along with his little brother, the boy had brown messy hair and blue eyes, he was grinning childishly while he wrapped his arms around his black haired little brother

Now the boy infront of him, he had messier hair-even if it's not possible-, his blue eyes looked lifeless and has dark bags under them, he -unlike his photoself who wore a sleeveless shirt- wore a grey sweater, light grey pants and black and white scarf, in his arm was a broken golden fredbear doll

"-ake...?" jeremy jerked in suprised, finnaly paying attention to the conversation scott and alfred were having "yes he is, isn't that great al?" scott smiled, trying to cheer up the broken kid

"he probably hates me.." alfred said, looking down with tears brimming in his eyes as he hugged the teddybear closer towards his chest

both nightguard frowned, feeling the remorse radiating of alfred "hey.. that bear... does it belong to your brother?" alfred looked up at jeremy, his face shows confusion but he nodded nonetheless "yea... it's.. the bear he brought with him during the accident"

jeremy blinked "what do you mean by that?"

"he's talking about how chris liked to bring his stuffed animals to the pizzaria, the day the accident happen was the first time he brought golden freddy actually..." scott explained, shuddering slightly at the memory

"Why did you kept it?" Jeremy asked, smilling kindly "is it so you can return it to your brother..?"

Alfred flinched, but didn't said a word as Jeremy continue talking "al.. you know fully well what's happening to your family... you are all he's got right now" jeremy extended a hand towards the teen "you don't want him to be alone do you?"

Alfred looked unsure, as he look at Jeremy's hand as if it was a foreign object "i-"

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" the three flinched, but only Jeremy and Scott looked at each other, the former in worry while the latter in somewhat annoyance "Mike" they both said at the same time

"Mike?" Alfred repeated, his eyes narrowed in confusion

"MIKEEE!!!!!" another voice repeated, this time it sounded like it belonged to Ash, the tone he had was clearly angry

The three quickly raised downstairs and towards the frontlawn, then gasping in suprised, Jeremy and Alfred looked like a mix of terrified and worried while Scott was laughing loudly that tears gathered on the corner of his eyes

The three who was left were tied up, surrounded by a bunch of 5 to 8 year old who were laughing and shooting a play gun at them

"Get us out of here!!"

"Stop laughing scott!!!!"


Scott just laughed harder and clutched his stomach as Alfred looked up at Jeremy questioningly, the blonde laugh nervously "you er... You'll get use to it.."

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