Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:

McKenzie's Point Of View:

I took deep breaths as I waited for the doctor. Pregnancy tests fail, right? When you go to the doctors, that's when you know the real deal. I already had a test taken, and I was only waiting for her to come back.

"Chill, Kenzie." Anne spoke beside me. I sighed, watching my shaky hands on my lap. I gulped, as I looked up at her.

"I can't chill, Anne!" I said, worriedly. "I might actually be pregnant, I mean, this is the test that counts! What'll happen when Austin finds out?" I asked her.

"Don't worry," She cooed, her hand on my back. "Everything will be fine. Austin loves you. He wouldn't let you go through this alone." She told me.

I gulped. "How do I tell him?"

"You'll find a way to tell him. And if anything happens, you guys will figure it out. You always do." She told me, and I let out a breath, nodding.

She's right... We can do this. We can.

Seconds later, the nurse walked in. She forced a smile, and I clearly saw it was fake. "Congratulations," She said, in a type of tone I couldn't quite know what was. "You're three weeks pregnant." Her eyes looked into mine, and it gave that type of vibe that said you're-seventeen-you-slut. I rolled my eyes at the nurse, feeling Anne's hand on my thigh.

Judgmental bitch.

"Thanks." I smiled sarcastically, stepping off of the bed thing.

"Not a problem, Miss McCann. Just go to the receptionist, and she'll make your next appointment." She told me. I nodded, and walked out, with Anne behind me.

We made an appointment for next month, and we finally got to go home. When I walked in, I saw Austin and the crew, along with Jason, in the living room, all making a mess with chips, and yelling at a basketball player who missed a shot.

"Hey!" I yelled and they all looked over at me, no more noise except for the announcer from the TV, but Zach muted it. "You guys better clean up your mess. Like, right now." I told them.

"Austin, talk to her. The games almost over." I heard someone, who I remembered was Luke, whisper to Austin.

So Austin took a step closer. "Come on babe, it's almost over." Austin said. I crossed my arms over my chest, and raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh," He looked at the TV, where someone from a team made a shot, before looking pleadingly at me. "Baby, please! Half an hour." He put his hands together, pleading me.

I sighed. "When I get back downstairs, this room better be spotless." I said. Austin smiled, before he and the guys continued to watch the game. I shook my head at the boys, and I walked upstairs. Anne decided to stay with Jason, so I decided to take a shower.

An hour later, I was dressed in a pair of sweats, and a tank top. My stomach obviously wasn't showing yet, since I was only three weeks pregnant, but, I was self conscious. So I grabbed one of Austins hoodies, and put it on.


I walked downstairs, and everyone was there, including Cassidy, Niall, Ally, Sarah, and Kelsi, who we found out was Roberts new girlfriend.

I smiled and greeted everyone, plus the girlfriends of Jai and Luke. I sat down on Austins lap, giving him a quick kiss. His arms wrapped around me, tightly, and he kissed my cheek. I smiled, and his hands were on my stomach.

Why does he do this to me?

I blushed, and we began having a conversation about something I couldn't quite pay attention to.. I was wondering how I would tell Austin.

Love Me Like You Do {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora