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-'Joanne, look at me...look at me, girl' Gaga asked, sternly; the psychologist told them to not hold back on being stern with an autistic child, this made them understand and reinforce what their learn in the special needs school, Joanne tried to let go of her mom and grab the cookies anyway, -'No cookies until dinner, Joanne. You hear me? We have some dinner and then you can have cookies...', Joanne stood still for a while and then ran off, -'Are you okay?' Bradley asked, walking into the kitchen, -'Yeah, I'm fine...', Bradley sat his small wife on the kitchen counter and kissed her deeply, -'She's doing better...which is good for us, Alex is almost walking and he's gonna be a handful soon' Gaga chuckled, Bradley nodded abd grabbed her hand, -'And YOU have that new album coming out right?', Gaga smiled brightly, - Yes, yes I have. AND! The final court citation. It's almost over baby'. The case was finally coming to a close, Jon Wells was supposed to go to jail in the next few months and all they needed was one more round of questions from Bradley and Gaga to kind of seal the deal. -'I'm so happy...I'm happy with you, and with our new house, with our kids...everything's good' Gaga chuckled and nodded enthusiastically, -'I'm glad we can...finally kinda leave this in the dust'.
Judge Heather Lamar looked at Jon Wells in the eye. She had saw him giggling while Ms Germanotta and Mr Cooper answered the last of the witness questions. He was a pedophile, a stalker, a rapist and a murderer. He would pay, jn the name of all the damage he caused.
-'Jon Wells, for the kidnapping, rape and murder of Sam Caroline Maury, and the stalking of the Cooper-Germanotta family, including the attempted murder of Mr Cooper, the State of California sentences you to life in prison with chances of parole in 2030'.

Gaga cried silently in her husband's arms while the criminal was being taken away, -'It's over' she mumbled, Bradley held her tightly and sighed in relief, -'It is babe...it's done', Gaga shook her head and kissed him deeply, -'I love you, thank you' she sobbed, -'What for?', -'Being there for us and protecting us', Bradley chuckled, -'I'll never leave any of you. You're my all babe, I'll protect you from anything', Gaga nodded and laid her head on his chest, -'I wanna celebrate this...we are finally safe', -'We will. We celebrate this with every day after this one, just living at our fullest babe', Gaga sighed deeply and nodded, -'Yeah, like I feel like I can finally just...relax and enjky my family'.
-'JoJoooo' Gaga sang to her daughter, the small girl looked up at her curiously but she did not utter a word, -'What are you thinking my precious butterfly?' She asked her, kissing her cheek gently while walking diwn the busy New York City streets, -'Are we gonna buy Joanne some presents? Huh?', Joanne thought for a while, -'I dont hear anything Jo, answer me love', her daughtrr then nodded and squealed -'YES', -'Good girl baby, good girl!'.
Apart from the autism, Joanne had developed parcial hearing loss so she had to wear a hearing aid in her left ear and this made her even more distracted or even less communicative.
Her bond with her father was strong as ever, he was always there for her therefor Joanne built her little world around him, -'DADDY?' She said, a little too loud in the clothes store, Gaga frowned, -'Daddy is working! Remember we told you!'. Dealing with a child with autism was hard for her but she wouldnt change her little sweet daughter for anything in the world.
While Gaga was checking out winter clothes for her daughter, the little girl was growing restless, -'Here baby, play with this', she handed her a Rubiks cube, the many colors and rotation always made Joanne stay put. It was hard teaching Joanne how to play with other kids, she still had trouble with it and she hadent made any real friends.
-'We have some cute new coats here for you baby girl! You'll look so adorable for winter!', Gaga's excited tone told Joanne that she was happy so she smiled, not really understanding, -'And then we go home and have some of your favorite pizza ok'.
Gaga stared at Joanne picking off the pepperoni off her slice of pizza, -'She likes pepperoni but not IN the pizza' Gianluca frowned, Gaga moved her eyes to his eldest son, -'You sound british', -'....Do I?', -'Every time he spends time in London he comes back sounding like Mark' Bradley chuckled, Gianluca stuck out his tongue and smiled, -'You little english gentleman!'.

After dinner, Gaga and Bradley curled up on the couch while they watched their kids play before them, Alex was almost walking so he stumbled on his siblings a lot, -'He's such a dork' Gaga chuckled, -'Yeah like you' Bradleh said, looking down at his beautiful wife. For the first time in a while she looked well rested, fresh and completely happy with her life and that made him beam with joy. He kissed her head lovingly and she stroked his stubble, -'Can we have another baby?' Bradley asked, Gaga immediately jumped and stared at him, -'Are you fucking serious right now' she chuckled, shaking her head, -'No more kids babe, I am completely finished in that department' Gaga said while hitting him playfully, -'I'm just looking for a reason to do things with you', -'...We can do things later, ok. I promise', Bradley smiled wide, -'Now I'm excited', -'Youre dumb babe' she said rolling her eyes. Gianluca walked up to his mom and laid on her lap, -'Mommy' he called, -'Yes baby?', -'...We dont have to move anymlre? Is the man gone?', Gaga held her son tight just like when he was little, -'Yeah, he's gone, I promise...I super promise', -'No more nightmares?', -'Nope, no more nightmares', Gi nodded and nestled on her chest. Bradley felt his heart swell. It's like the universe was aligning to favor them in every way, he was just happy that his wife and kids were finally completely safe and happy.

It was sooooo hard writing this story guys im never going this deep again hahahaha thank you for reading and voting and thank you for ur comments xoxo, i'll write a markga fanfic next as one of my readers requested it but that'll be next week probably. Anyway, thank youuu!

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