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She holds your hand
As if she were on a ledge
And you were the only thing
Keeping her from falling off.

She holds on for dear life
Because to her,
That's what you are.

You wrap your arms around her
Because you don't know
What else to do
When she's crying so much,
But it helps more than you know.

You once held her face
In your hands
And looked her in the eyes
And told her
That everything would be okay.

She calls you in the middle of the night
When the tremors won't cease
And her heart is heavy
And her stomach feels sick,
And she feels like she's dying-
And then suddenly,
Just hearing your voice
Makes everything a little bit better.

You know not what you do.

When her world
Is falling to ruins beneath her,
You are the steady and able hands
That put her back together




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