Asa Butterfield Broke My Nose!

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A/N: I updated my Ender's Game fanfic on, IT'S FRUSTRATING BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE I AM JUST STALLING ALL POSSIBLE SITUATIONS IN IT. Like it's super boring I feel like, but people like it.

I hate those days.

I hope this is better, guys! New chapter is in production! :)


Chapter 4: Asa Butterfield Broke My Nose!

Asa regretted it the minute he gave her the napkin, he knew it.

Gwen was even surprised.

After a few more minutes of conversing with each other, it was time to leave. Before Asa left, Gwen snatched him by his sleeve, "So, what do I do with your number?" She asked, smirking.

Asa smiled, "Just, give me a call when you're free. Anytime,"

Gwen nodded, and quickly have him a hug, "Thanks," she whispered, then walked away back to her father. Asa stared after her, a look of question on his face. She seemed like a good person, someone he'd be good friends with. Waving at her, he left with his dad and headed home.

Asa stayed up a little later that night, scrolling through his Twitter feed and Instagram timeline, anxious for some reason.

@asabfb: I hate restless nights

He finally turned his phone off and shut his eyes, hoping that the sound of his ringtone would maybe wake him up.


Gwen's House, 9 AM


"Dad!" Gwen hollered in pain, her nose was throbbing and extremely sore. Tears spilled over, she didn't even know she was crying. Soon, her dad was by her side, handing her some pain pills and water. Gwen gulped them down and leaned back into her pillow.

"I'm sorry it hurts so bad, Gwen," her dad stroked her forehead, looking down at her with concern.

Gwen sighed, "This sucks,"

Her dad chuckled, kissed her cheek, then went back downstairs. After just laying in bed for a few minutes, Gwen decided to head downstairs and make herself some breakfast. It wasn't after long that her dad came back in, a frown on his face.

"Would you like to tell me why you got an 'F' in geometry?" He asked, tossing her report card to her. She took it and examined it, everything else was all A's and maybe a B, but yes, there was a big, fat F under the geometry category. Gwen pushed her chair out and stood up.

"I just can't do it, dad. It's so hard!" She exclaimed, handing back her report card.

"Well, since school is out, I'll let this slide. But you have to agree that you'll get a tutor for next year," her father pointed at her, narrowing his gaze.

Gwen nodded and waved him off. Currently, her nose was extremely itchy under the bandage. She'd be wearing it for a few weeks, so decided she'd have to suck it up and bear it.

Her phone buzzed, her best friend, Lace, had texted her.

'I called you five times last night, where are you?'

Gwen sighed and replied, Sorry, it was my night at the club. Then I broke my nose so I was in the hospital...

Gwen laughed to herself, setting down her phone and looking out the window.

"Damn! He really did break my nose!" Gwen reeled, wide eyed and grinning. Asa Butterfield had broke her nose! From this morning until now, she was convinced that part was a dream.

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