Chapter 8: My Present Life

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Dedicated to eternal_potterhead for being an amazingly supportive follower and for commenting.

So, things went good after that. We won Capture the Flag many times after that, I became the best fighter in camp, and I saw my mom a few more times, though I haven't seen her for a year now. I fought a few more monsters. I'm still waiting to go on my first quest though. So, back to the present time.

I woke up to another day at camp. I'm used to it. For the past five years, ever since the day I arrived at Camp Half-Blood, my friends and I were one of the few campers who stayed year-round. I don't have a house at all and my friends don't have good ones to go back to, and we don't go to mortal school. I was just starting another day. Get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to training, eat lunch, depending on which day it was either play Capture the Flag or go back to training and/or have free time, then eat supper, go to the campfire, go back to your cabin, take a shower, and go to sleep. Nice thing to do every day for the past five years, huh? Tell me about it! It was the same never ending routine.

Anyway, I got out of my bunk and got into my orange camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I didn't have to do it in the bathroom of course because I didn't have any cabin mates. I was the only child of Artemis. I was incredibly lonely. Annabeth and Luke were incredibly lucky to have so many siblings. The only reason there were any bunks in here was because my mom and the Hunters sometimes stayed here. I had added my own things to it. I had two hooks holding my silver bow, Moonlight, and my arrow quiver. I had a shelf that held my sword, Beauty and another that held my dagger. I had a bookshelf full of Greek mythology books.

I walked out of my cabin and to the dining pavilion. I grabbed a plate and goblet and walked to my table. I had my usual breakfast by myself. Someone poked me on the shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

My best friend, Annabeth, had poked me. She turned around and smiled. Before she walked away, I poked her back.

I mouthed, Your it!

I'll be back! she mouthed back.

I laughed. Even if she was a brainac, she was still the funniest person in the world.

Once I finished my breakfast, I picked up my plate and goblet and went back to my cabin. I put on my belt with my sword and dagger sheathes and put them in. I grabbed my quiver and put it on my left shoulder. I grabbed my bow and ran out the door.

The first part of training I did was the rock climbing wall. And let me tell you this, it's not your average rock climbing wall. It's real rocks, don't get me wrong, but there are obstacles. There's lava, fire, arrows, and spears that rain down on you. And there are no harnesses. No one had died on it yet, but most people get a few scars and quite a few injuries. Pretty scary right? Not after five years for me!

I got to the bottom and started climbing up. I had gotten about five feet off the ground when there was a patch of flames to my right. I jumped and grabbed some rocks to my left, barely dodging the flames. I got up a little farther when a flaming arrow whizzed past my left side. It grazed my shoulder but not deeply. I kept climbing despite the slight pain. A bucket of lava poured down on me, a drop got on my left cheek. I quickly brushed it off before the heat hit me. Halfway up. Pretty intense? Yup!

A five foot long flaming spear whizzed past me, the tip going into my side for a split second until I pulled it out. I had pulled it out just in time. If it would have stayed, I would've been pouring out blood. Only a few drops came out. A few more feet to go. There! I rang the bell and jumped. And yes, I landed safely on a trampoline.

I then went to the dagger throwing grounds. I had found my dagger a few months ago and had gotten pretty good with it. It had become handy in a few Capture the Flag games when I had to go head to head with Clarisse. I had named it Diana, after the Roman name for my mom.

I found a new dummy far away from Clarisse. I pulled Diana from its sheath. I aimed behind my head and threw. Bullseye! I did this for a while until the horn blew for lunch.

I had two grilled cheese sandwiches with a bottle of water. When I finished, I headed back to my cabin. I hung up my weapons and crossed over to my bookshelf. I grabbed a book, sat on the floor, and started reading. After I read quietly and peacefully for a few hours, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

I said, "Luke, you may be the son a sneaky thief, but I am the daughter of a huntress. I can see you moving."

Luke laughed and responded, Whatever, you got me!" He sat down on the bunk bed next to me.

"Luke, do you miss Chiron and Grover?" I asked him.

"Yeah, camp isn't the same without Chiron encouraging us on the rock climbing wall and Grover eating twenty tin cans a day," he said, making both of us laugh.

Grover was always searching in schools for demigods. He had found one at a boarding school in Manhattan. The problem was, Grover had also found a monster posing as a teacher. Chiron left and has been gone for several months. They were waiting to see if the monster would attack. If they just pulled the demigod out of school, the monster would follow them.

Chiron had asked Mr. D to take over as activities director for him, but Mr. D hates us, so he just lied and ignores us like usual.

"Luke," I said, "If you don't go back to your cabin, Mr. D will bust you."

"He doesn't care. He doesn't even care to learn our names, Ava Jennings," he said, calling by what Mr. D calls me.

"Very true, Lucas Catelas!" I replied.


The horn blew for dinner. Now that Chiron was back he blew it. He came back saying the demigod was taken care of. Nobody knew what that meant. Luke and I got out of the cabin, got our plates and goblets, and sat down at our tables. I had some crawfish for my dinner. I usually ate something from New Orleans. I wasn't ever going to back. Even if I was half goddess, I was still half Cajun.

We did the usual stuff at this point. We got our food, dumped a little in the fire as a sacrifice to the gods, sat down at our table and ate the rest, then sang songs at the campfire.

After the campfire I took a shower and went back to my cabin. I got into my hunting clothes. Our normal curfew is twelve o' clock, but I still had four hours. I grabbed my weapons. When I normally do this, I go hunting in the woods, think, or read a book. I was going to think for a while but I always brought my weapons in case I was attacked or I changed my mind.

Tonight I was going to sit on a rock on the side of the path leading to the entrance to camp. The rock was about fifteen feet high so I climbed it pretty easily. I thought for a while. About different things. I always thought about what happened not far from here five years ago. That never slipped my mind every day. I'm sure Annabeth and Luke did the same thing.

And Grover. Every time he went out to search for demigods, I could always see the guilty look on his face. He was always afraid he would bring back another dead demigod.

A/N: Hey guys! So that chapter was the beginning of the present part of the story, which takes place during the Lightning thief, as y'all will see in the next chapter. The first 7 chapters were just the flashback/back story. If there were any mistakes in this and any that will be in chapters 9-14, that's because PJanimaland1Rlover won't answer my texts and edit those chapters!

I bet y'all are wondering how I know so much about stuff from New Orleans (which is also Hazel Levesque's hometown) huh? Because I live right by New Orleans, duh! I'M A CAJUN GIRL ALL DA WAY!

Thank you thank you thank you so much for 30 reads, 12 votes, and 21 comments already! Y'all don't know how much that means to me!


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