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Warning; This doesn't follow the game, well it does but it doesn't really have the same content. You are not locked in Rika's appartment.

Yoosung: ''Hacker!''
ZEN: ''Introduce yourself!''
707: ''I Zense a stranger >.<''
ZEN: ''Not funny 707!''
Jumin Han : ''Has my Elizabeth the 3rd been fed already?''
Jaehee Kang: ''Don't move on to another topic, we have a stranger here mr. Han.''
Yoosung: ''Yeah! Explain yourself!''

How did this happen, you ask? Well, let's go look back for a bit...
A stranger 'Unknown' suddenly contacted me through a mobile app thingy? Yeah, I was that stupid to follow his 'orders' and now I've ended up in another chatroom with currently 5 people online. Why would I follow some 'orders' by someone I don't even know? Actually, I don't know. Anyways, since I've been here they've talked about a lot of random things until someone finally noticed my presence.

___: ''I'm ___. Who are you? Also, where am I?''
707: So awkward lol
Yoosung: Gah it spoke!
Yoosung: I'm Kim Yoosung, 21, a student ^^
ZEN: I'm ZEN, 24 years old.
Jumin Han: Why would you introduce yourselves to a stranger?
Jaehee Kang: Indeed, mr. Han is right. He or she might be dangerous.
707: ZEN's real name is Hyun Ryu, he is a famous actor!
707: Jumin han is 27 years old and Jaehee Kang is 26 years old, Ta-Daah~
707: And who I am.... Is a secret~
ZEN: 707! Don't sulk around! I'm not even that popular and Why telling it my name?!
Yoosung: But you are pretty famous ZEN~!
Jaehee Kang: Yes, his talents are abolutely splendid.
707: I can only say that I am a hacker lolol
ZEN: Wow, well what a suprise
Jumin Han: So do you have any records of this 'Unknown'?
___: No... It's been deleted.
Yoosung: *Gasp*
707: How is this possible...
Jumin Han: What if this ___ person IS a hacker?
707: No it can't be. I've just hacked her information and she's completely fine.
ZEN: So it's a she ;3
Jumin Han: Please, don't try and think of anything weird, Zen.
Jaehee Kang: Yes, mr. Han is right. Well, I'll be going. I have a lot of things to take care of. Bye.
- Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom-
Jumin Han: I also have to go. I have a meeting in a few minutes. I'll be of.
-Jumin Han has left the chatroom-
ZEN: So, how does ___ look like?
707: Won't show you ^^
Yoosung: Don't be so mean! Show us~
707: Nah, maybe next time ;3
-707 has left the chatroom-
ZEN: Sometimes he's such a tease...
Yoosung: True. Well, I'll go and play some more LOLOL. I've almost leveled up!
Yoosung: Byee!
-Yoosung has left the chatroom-
ZEN: So, how does it feel, ___?
___: Uhm, pretty weird I guess?
ZEN: I would be confused too, haha
ZEN: I need to practice my lines so I'll go first, Bye~
-ZEN has left the chatroom-
-___ has left the chatroom-

Okay, that was weird. After leaving the chatroom I suddenly receive a mail from someone.
707: Hey, ___! I hope you didn't get freaked out. V will handle things smoothly so just relaaaax.
I smile at the screen and mail him back.
___: Hi! No I'm fine, thanks. I guess I'll have to wait for this V person.

I put my phone away and look out of the window. My appartment building has 4 floors and I live on the 3rd floor.
It's probably around 10 meters high? I walk towards my fridge and cupboard, craving for something savoury but nothing special was there. ''I guess I should go to the convenience store...'' As I leave my appartment room, I feel like someone is watching me in the distance. I look around but see no one else besides a black cat that quickly runs off. I shrug it off and walk out of the appartment building. There's nothing to do because it's weekend... Crap, I forgot that I have 2 tests on Monday and I haven't had the chance to study for them. When I arrive at the conveniece store I see one last package of my favourite Honey Buddha Chips. It is a limited edition and I really crave for something so I reach out for it but suddenly it's gone. ''Ngh..'' I made a strange noise losing the package and look around for someone who must've grabbed it. As I look around I finally notice a red haired guy with a blonde haired guy.
''Nuhaha, look what I've got! The last package of my precious Honey Buddha Chips in this store! Let's go and bring this to my storage~'' The red haired guy shove the package in the blonde haired guy's face. ''Hehe, nice job! Please, get it out of my face first.'' As I watch the two boys paying for it at the counter I look for something else while pouting. I finally found something else what could replace the Honey Buddha Chips and went to the drinks. ''Hmm... Dr Pepper will do.'' I smile as I grab two cans of Dr Pepper and walk over to the counter.
''It's 7 pm already. Oh boy, I'ts getting dark already.'' I walk down the street, while carrying a bag with my goodies. I let out a heavy sigh. Tomorrow I have school and I totally don't want to go. As a SNU(Seoul National University student) people think you are able to do anything. Well, that's not true. I got in because of my determination and hard work. However, my friend didn't get in because she needed just one more point. We haven't seen each other since then. I still wonder how she is doing...

I suddenly hear something fall behind me and I quickly turn around. Nothing. Just an empty road. It made me uncomfortable and I walk a bit faster. ''Stay calm. There is nothing wrong. Almost home.'' I whisper to myself. When I finally see my appartment I let out a sigh of relief. Walking faster, almost running, someone grabs me from behind and a hand covers my mouth. Unable to scream for help I struggle to free myself...

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