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'This can't be happening. Why would someone do this to me and why isn't anyone outside. Where's my taser.' I always bring my taser everywhere with me. However, I often switch jackets and I've left it in my other one. 'Great timing, again.' I have an urge to facepalm myself but that isn't suitable for the situation I'm in right now. Struggling I try to harm this person in any way but I can't. It must be a man considering his strong firm. ''Don't move, If you do I'll have to hurt you and that would be tiresome.'' Yup, it's defenitely a man, maybe around his 20's? He let's out a chuckle. ''You should watch out. Don't believe in-'' ''HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?!'' ''LET HER GO!'' I feel the grip losen. ''Shit.'' He spits out and runs away. I look at the direction from where the screams are coming. 'The Honey Buddha Chips guys?' My thoughts wander off and in no time my body collapses on the cold floor.

''Why did we bring her here again?'' ''Because my house is utterly restricted for strangers.'' ''But still~''
Two different voices where arguing something? I try to open my eyes but fail at the first attempt. ''So bright...'' I groan. ''Look she's awake!'' ''Turn off the bright light from your desk, the light of your house is bright enough.'' I hear a click. They must've turned out the light from the desk. Again I try to open my eyes, this time without failing. My eyes try to make out the shapes and colours but when they've adjusted I see two boys I've seen before. ''Y...You grabbed my precious Honey Buddha Chips!'' I pointed at the two boys who were looking at me in confusement. Tears were forming in my eyes. 'Wait, why am I crying over something like that? That's so lame! I guess I'm really emotional at the moment. Both boys were looking at each other, while mouthing something. I can see that the red haired guy doesn't like their conclusion because he walks away with a not-so-happy-face. I look back at the blonde haired guy who was nervously sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. I slowly sit up and look around. 'I've been lying on a bed and I guess it's the blonde's appartment? it's too small for a house but still nice. They are probably around their 20's too. ''Excuse me, but what happened?'' I ask the blonde haired boy. ''Uhm, you collapsed and the man ran away. We couldn't identify him. We brought you to my appartment because we don't know where you live.'' I nod ''Thank you for helping me back there.'' ''No problem.'' The red haired boy replies and throws a bag of Honey Buddha Chips on the bed. ''You can have it...'' I look at him, who was walking over to the other boy. "So, who are you?" The blonde one asks. "___. I'm ___ and I'm ___ years old. I live in an appartment nearby where it happened. Who are you?" "I'm Yoosung!" The blonde haired one says. "And I am Luciel." The red haired one adds. 'Luciel? That's a pretty unusual name... However, it has something. Yoosung, that name is pretty familiar, but a lot of people have the same names. I look for my phone in my pocket and turn it on.

ZEN: "No Jumin, I don't want to do anything that involves cats. I'm ALLERGIC."

Jumin Han: "Excuses, you just don't want to help me out, do you?"

-Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom-

ZEN: "-Sigh- You're addiction with cats is just too much."

Jaehee Kang: "Mr. Han, please don't push Zen. Don't you remember what happened at the last RFA Party?"

Jumin Han: "No."

ZEN: "That's it. I'm out."

-ZEN has left the chatroom-

Jumin Han: "Tsk, I can't stand his hate for cats. They're such beautiful creatures."

Jaehee Kang: "Yes, Mr. Han. Ah, it's been really quiet in here. What happened to Luciel and Yoosung?"

Jumin Han: "I have no idea. Let them be for now. They'll probably come online at night..."

-Jumin Han has left the chatroom-

Jaehee Kang: "I hope so."

-Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom.-

I put my phone away and look up. 'Luciel and Yoosung... this can't just be coincidence.'
"Ehm, do you know something called the RFA?" Yoosung suddenly stands up. "WAIT, YOU ARE ___? AS IN THE ___?" He quickly walks over to me and I slowly move back. "___?" Luciel also walks over to me but not as hyper as Yoosung. "Is it really you? Haha, that's great! We should tell the others." He quickly grabs his phone.


-ZEN Has entered the chatroom-

ZEN: "Is it something good or bad?"

-Jumin Han has entered the chatroom-

-Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom-

Jumin Han: "Did you finally get rid off your Honey Buddha Chips addicition?"

-Yoosung☆ has entered the chatroom-


-___ Has entered the chatroom-

707: "We found ___! She 's right here with Yoosung and me~"

___: "That's right :3"

Jaehee Kang: "That's some good news."

Yoosung☆: "Yess! She's also very nice!!"

707: "She seems nice ;3"

Jumin Han: "But how did you end up like that?"

707: "Hmmmm, she was being kidnapped?"


Yoosung☆: " It's fineee, we saved her and brought her to my appartment!"

ZEN: "Why to your appartment =.="

707: "We don't know where she lives and my home is a sEcREt ^○^"

ZEN: "Hmpf... Allrightthen."

___: "I'm really thankful ^^"

Jumin Han: "You're welcome."

ZEN: "You didn't do anything tho ^"

-Jumin Han has left the chatroom-

ZEN: ''That bastard...''

Jaehee Kang: ''It's pretty late already. I still have a lot to do ;;''

Yoosung☆: ''Don't overwork yourself!''

Jaehee Kang: '' -Sigh- I'll try.''

-Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom-

ZEN: ''So what are you going to do with ___? Bring her home?''
Yoosung☆: '' I have no idea. What should we do Luciel?''

707: ''Let's leave this chatroom for now and talk about that.''

-707 has left the chatroom-
-Yoosung☆ has left the chatroom-

ZEN: '' Take care ___~''

___: ''I will, thank you!''

-ZEN has left the chatroom-

-___ has left the chatroom-

I put my phone away and patiently wait for Yoosung or Luciel to begin. '' Hmm... It's half past 10 and pretty dark outside. I also think you'd be too scared to be all by yourself after what happened. You may sleep here for the night, if you want to. Yoosung and I can just sleep on the floor or chair.'' Luciel speaks. '' You really don't have to...'' I try to finish my sentence but Yoosung cuts me off. '' Yeah, that would be OK!''

Well... Should I stay or not? I don't even know these boys nor I know where I am and how far away this is from my appartment. Should I even believe the RFA? Maybe they can explain the whole backstory?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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