☆t w e n t y t w o

179 9 4

"Happy Halloween!" Xero shouted as he and Jenissi walked into the kitchen

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"Happy Halloween!" Xero shouted as he and Jenissi walked into the kitchen. The other members were chatting at the table and eating sandwiches when the two entered.

"What are you supposed to be?" B-Joo asked sarcastically, referring to Xero's lack of a costume.

"Better than you." Xero said playfully, flipping his imaginary long hair and placing his hand on Jenissi's shoulder.

"Do any of us even have costumes yet?" Sangdo asked. The members shook their heads and mumbled no.

"Then how are we gonna go trick or treating?" B-Joo whined.

"B-Joo, you're seventeen." P-Goon said.

"That doesn't answer my question." B-Joo said. "How are we going to go trick or treating without costumes?"

P-Goon rolled his eyes and shrugged, taking a sip of his glass of milk. "We could... make costumes." He said plainly.

"Yes!" B-Joo said, standing up and fist pumping. "I mean oh, ok sure that would be fine."

"I have another idea!" A-Tom shouted, slamming his fist onto the table.

"God no, not again." Yano mumbled.

"We should have a costume contest. We all get into pairs, use stuff around the dorms, and make the best costumes ever!"

The other members were surprised A-Tom finally had a good idea.

"Whoever wins can get a prize!" He shouted. "Like, whoever gets the best costume can get 10 pieces of candy from all the other member's bags."

"Good idea." Nakta said. "I'll be by myself, since it's an odd number. Who are the pairs?"

The members split off, and soon had six pairs. The pairs were: B-Joo and Hansol, Xero and Jenissi, P-Goon and A-Tom, Kidoh and Gohn, Yano and Seogoong, and Sangdo and Hojoon.

"Come on, Hannie! We're winning this thing!" B-Joo dragged Hansol away from the table and they began looking around the dorms for supplies.

They sat down in their room, thinking about what to do.

"We need to figure out what we're going to be, first." B-Joo said, collapsing onto their bed.

"Yeah." Hansol said, glancing around the room for insparation. After several failed attempts to figure out what they should be, Hansol came up with a good idea.

"I got it!" He said, fishing around in his drawers for some hair dye.

"Cosmo and Wanda!" He yelled, tossing a box of pink dye to B-Joo. "You'll be Wanda, of course." Hansol said.

"What if I wanted to be cosmo?" B-Joo said, pouting.

"Well, I guess you could be."

"No I want to be Wanda." B-Joo said, snatching the box of dye from Hansol.

They spent a reasonable amount of time dying their hair, and this is what it looked like when they were done.

They spent a reasonable amount of time dying their hair, and this is what it looked like when they were done

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"We look really good

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"We look really good." B-Joo said, admiring him and Hansol in the mirror. He kissed Hansol on the cheek. "We only have an hour left, so we should look for what we're going to wear."

"Do you have a suit?" Hansol asked B-Joo. He pushed aside clothes in his closet, until he found a crisp white suit with a black tie. He handed it back to Hansol and smiled, now looking for his outfit.

It took him a bit longer to find his, but eventually he came upon a plain yellow t-shirt and black pants, just like Wanda wears. They look at themselves in the mirror and chuckled, realizing it was time to go.

They walked into the living room and saw the members had already left the house and were out trick or treating.

"Shit." B-Joo grumbled, grabbing two pillowcases for both of them to fill with candy. "Guess they got a head start."

They walked around the neighborhood, hand in hand, getting some weird looks, but other amused ones, most likely about their costumes.

After two hours, they headed back to the house. The other members slowly trickled in the doors, and they view their costumes one by one.

The first one to get back was Nakta, who was wearing a camel costume made out of who knows what. He had a good amount of candy on him, and seemed satisfied with what he had received.

The next was Xero and Jenissi. Xero was wearing a bunch of toothbrushes that had been taped to him and Jenissi was carrying a tube of toothpaste. They didn't have as much candy, but didn't seem to mind.

Next was P-Goon and A-Tom. A-Tom had styled his long red hair so that it was in two little devil points on top of his head, and P-Goon was supposed to be an angel because he was wearing a paper plate on his head.

Next, Kidoh and Gohn were supposed to be Woody and Buzz from Toy Story. Kidoh had on a cowboy hat and country boots, and Gohn drew a bunch of computers on his shirt and had his head in a fish tank.

"Where are the fish?" B-Joo asked.

"I flushed them down the toilet." Gohn said. "Oh wait..."

Next was Sangdo and Hojoon. Sangdo was supposed to be Voldemort. He taped his nose down and put his hair in a hoodie so it looked like he was bald. Hojoon was supposed to be Harry Potter. He just kept on his normal glasses and carried around a stick.

Finally was Yano and Seogoong, who everyone knew was supposed to be peanut butter and jelly because they had literally spread it on themselves.

"No wonder I couldn't make a sandwich!" A-Tom shouted.

They all counted their candy, and Hansol and B-Joo ended up having the most. The group that had the least was Seogoong and Yano, who had 10 pieces.

"Why did you guys have so little?" B-Joo asked.

"We spent half the time trying to get the peanut butter and jelly on!" Yano shouted.

"Happy Halloween, Joo." Hansol said, chuckling and ruffling the other's hair.

"Happy Halloween."

//my moms friend just asked me if I was still into those Chinese guys and I am on the brink of suicide THEYRE KOREAN FFS\\

mr. right. + hanjoo.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt