Two: Mind Games in the Library

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I remain frozen in the hallway; it's as if my back is glued to the light pink wall which now looks grimy and dirty, and severely needs to be repainted.

Laura is long gone, but I'm still here, in the same spot.

Slowly, I move forward, realising that that actually just happened.


I'm not going to lie, now that I actually think about it, Laura is hot, and it turns me on that she took the initiative to approach me - but how does Laura even know that I like girls?

Or was she just screwing with my head, and has no idea whatsoever?

Probably the latter.

However, I can't say I'm not affected.


Questioning my sanity.

Slightly turned on.

I look down and straighten my uniform, and since I'm free now, I head to the library to take a well needed nap.

I waddle to the library, but as soon as my ass hits the couch, I feel someone's thigh brush up against my own.

Somehow, due to our earlier encounter,instantly know who it is, but I stare straight ahead.

Don't let her get to you.

She keeps brushing her thigh against mine, and sighs, snuggling into the couch, resting her head on my shoulder in the process; I am hyper aware of everything that she does; every slight movement of her body against mine ignites something within me.

No one has ever come on to me like this before, and it's really, really turning me on, but goddamnit, were in the school library for fúck's sake.

Additionally, I know nothing about her; for all I know, she might just take great pleasure in humiliating me. That's what she did in biology class, so why should her intentions be any different now?

Keeping myself from touching her, keeping myself from moving as I basically sit in a growing puddle of my own wetness, keeping up this façade of indifference is agonising, but somehow, I manage to continue to ignore her.

that is until she holds my hand and rubs her middle finger against my palm; my breath hitches, and the mask of "I don't give a fùck " slips right off of my face; for a fraction of a second, I can feel the arousal showing on my face.

I can feel my face, feel that it is saying, "Oh, my God. I'm so wet, please tongue-fuck my pussy."

But as soon as that tiny, fraction of a second is over, I fix my face into an expression of genuine anger. I don't like being played with. I am not a toy.

I turn my head, and stared into her eyes, which look devious with wicked intentions, and instantly know that I fucked up, because I can see it in her eyes that she got me.

However, I decide to pretend that it didn't happen; instead, I focus on the emotion which I am feeling towards her right now; anger.

"What the hell do you want?" I snarl at her, holding on tightly to my anger.

"I think you know."

Stop it. Stop spaying with my libido.

"You're playing with me. You don't even know if I like girls."

Her grin only broadens.

"You have a crush on Ms. Dubois; I see the way you look at her."

It's true; the woman who runs "Mary's Shop", (the place on campus where school products such as uniforms, sweaters, badges etc. are sold not to be confused with the stationery centre, where, well, stationery is sold) is so damn hot. Her ass and tits aren't huge, but there's something about the way she bites her lip and smiles at everyone, the way she looks up from under her lashes before raising her head that turns me on.

But how the hell did Laura notice that?

"I've been watching you."

"Who the hell are you? Sting?"

Her level of interest in me is both scary, and, well, quite flattering.

And sexy.

Wait, how the fuck am I finding this sexy?

"I told you to watch your tone when you talk to me, didn't I?"

"Do I look like I give a fuck about what you say?"

I feel the anger rising within me. She has a goddamn nerve to be stalking me, and then demanding respect from me as if she's my mother.

How can someone turn me on and make me so angry at the same time? This isn't fair.

However, before I can continue to curse her out, she cuts me off.

"I'm inviting you to my nineteenth birthday party. It's at my house, on friday two weeks from now. I know that you don't like many of the students here, but don't worry. Only about five people from grade thirteen, and one twelfth grader will be there."

I just stare at her, totally forgetting about my anger. How the hell did she know that people irritate me?

I'm starting to think that maybe she's not just a stalker; maybe she's a stalker who really understands me.


"Maybe," I say, which basically translates to 'fuck no'. There's no way I trust her enough for that - sexy or not.

"Good. Well, I was thinking since we're both here, we could study together."

"I want to sleep," I deadpan.

"What kept you up last night?" she asks, the double entendre clear as day.

Stop turning me on.

"I was reading."

Truth be told, I'm just tired, but I just want her to let me sleep.

"Okay," she says, looking unconvinced.

With that, I lean back into the couch, and fall asleep almost immediately.


I feel someone gently rubbing the inside of my arm.

"Fiona? Fiona, wake up. The second bell just rang. Your two free periods are up."

Laura is gently touching my arm, waking me up from my dream of shooting zombies in Call of Duty.

"Uh, thanks."

I look around to see other Sixth Formers with the same free periods as us leaving the library, and move to get up, only to have Laura pull me back down.

"If you ever have issues in Biology, I can always help you."

"Let me go."

"I like you."


"I turn you on."

I'm screwed.

"No, you don't."


I open my mouth to reply, but she cuts me off.

She seems to enjoy doing that.

"Okay. Continue to deny it. I'll get that confession out of you, Fiona, and I'll get it soon."

With that, she turns her back and walks away; I have to admit, that is one of the most horrifying and arousing things I have ever heard in my entire life.

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