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Clarice Willows straightened her clothes for the umpteenth time that day. She had lived in Ireland for her entire life and had recently made the decision to move to London. The girl had packed her bags the previous night and was almost fully prepared. Clarice added the final touches to her makeup, picked up her toiletries and left the bathroom. She placed her toiletry bag into her suitcase and zipped it up. Dragging the floral print suitcase off the mattress she looked around her rented apartment for the last time. She strolled out the door, suitcase in tow and waved goodbye to the landlady, Mrs. White. She called a cab and one arrived almost instantly. The young female got in and dragged her suitcase in behind her. She made certain that the door was closed correctly before telling the driver the destination.

"The airport please."

The driver pressed his foot down on the accelerator and they sped off down the road. Clarice gazed out the window to the Irish town that she lived in. The sky was grey and the very town was gloomy, almost as if it was sad to see her go. Raindrops littered the windows and the windscreen wipers at the front of the cab swiftly cleared them away. Although the landscape was deformed by the water that coated the window, Clarice still found it absolutely beautiful.

"Not the best travelling weather." the driver stated. "Where are you going anyway?"

"London." Clarice replied quietly. Even though her voice was quiet, the girl's forlorn feeling was still sent to the driver and he knew not to say anything else.

The rest of the trip was silent and the occupants of the cab soon found themselves in front of the airport. Clarice muttered a thank you to the driver, threw an assortment of currency in his direction and exited the car. She nervously walked through the glass doors of the airport while her suitcase willingly followed her. She checked into her flight and reluctantly let her suitcase be transported to the baggage section of the plane. The woman headed towards the security check where she took her phone and purse out of her pockets and placed them on trays to be surveyed. She dragged herself through the security gate and retrieved her belongings on the other side. She hurried to the location that she imagined Terminal 27 to be.


Mary Morstan, soon to be Mary Watson, watched the crowd carefully. James Moriarty didn't usually contact Mary and Mary wouldn't usually take up the offer now that she was engaged. Her fiancé didn't have the best encounters with the consulting criminal. However this offer was just too good to resist. A large sum of money to reward her for her efforts would be waiting for her if she got the job done. The task itself was actually quite simple. All Mary had to do was befriend a woman named Clarice Willows who would be arriving in London that very day. Mary had no idea what the reasoning behind this task was but the cash provided enough incentive.

Mary plunged herself into the oncoming mass of human life and hugged her light brown, fur coat closer to her person. Although there were many people moving around her, Mary still managed to feel the cold London air eat away at her skin and chill her bones. She pushed her way through the crowds being careful not to bump into anyone. John had gone with Sherlock to a crime scene so she would not be expected home for a while. Mary found her way to the address where she would be picked up. She checked the piece of paper in her hand to reassure herself of the time and address of the rendezvous point.

10:00 exactly, a fancy black car with tinted windows pulled up in front of the waiting lady. The window rolled down to reveal the face of Sebastian Moran.

"Need a lift?" Sebastian asked playfully.

Mary simply rolled her eyes and climbed into the leather coated interior. The sound of the window rolling up again could be heard. Mary leaned back in her seat feeling slightly relaxed for the first time in a while.

Sebastian threw a photograph in the direction of Mary. She caught it effortlessly between two fingers. The photo was of a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She had light brown hair, similar to the colour of Mary's coat, grey eyes that resembled that of a cat, flowers adorned her hair and she had a relaxed smile on her pink lips. Mary turned the photo over and on the back, written in perfect cursive were the words Clarice Willows. Mary placed the photo into her pocket and prepared to study her surroundings for the remainder of the trip.


"You have now arrived in London. We hope you enjoyed your flight and thank you for flying with Air Britain." the lady on the speaker said cheerfully.

Clarice was eager to escape the confinement of the airplane. She shot up out of her seat as soon as the seatbelt sign came off and weaved around the few people that were already standing. She had no carry on baggage so her exit was considerably quick compared to the majority of the passengers. The brunette woman carefully lowered herself down the stairs. She entered the airport and headed to the baggage claim where she collected her suitcase. As she was leaving she bumped into someone. Literally. The other person was sent down towards the floor.

"Oh my goodness. I am so sorry." Clarice exclaimed, concern filling her voice.

"Oh no, it's quite alright." was the reply.

Clarice helped the other woman to her feet.

"Thank you." the woman said. "Mary Morstan." Mary extended her hand towards Clarice.

"Clarice Willows." Clarice shook Mary's hand.

Mary and Clarice became friends instantly. Mary often helped Clarice find her way around London and when a job at Scotland Yard was offered it was Mary that convinced Clarice to go for it. That is how Clarice began work at Scotland Yard in the Forensic department.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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