A Call from Home

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With every step she took, Evanescence's body tingled with a new found energy. Her breath was heavy and her movements quick. For anyone who passed by would only see a flash of white and black.

Soft leaves and small branches swept against her skin. Her mind was transfixed on just running. All she wanted to do was run. But to where?

She did not know her destination, but the rest of her body did. Eventually her paws fell against solid rock. She found herself climbing up a mountain. Once she escaped the trees she saw the beautiful blue sky.

Her eyes scanned over the village that the mountain looked over. Even from such a distance, Evanescence could still her the laughter of children, clanking metal between foes, and the small talk of the town's people.

Sitting down she studied the village. Is this truly a good place to hide? She thought. I wish not to cause grief onto this town. But if I pass through it, he'll still destroy it.

With this final thought Evanescence once again heard her brother's howl. It was a warning. The first few were merely questions of where she was. But now, with her scent, he has given her his warning.

A small growl escaped the recently transformed wolf. From a distance anyone who caught a glimpse of her saw a grey wolf. But up close, Evanescence was a mixture of white and black fur. Her eyes to completely different shades of blue.

But as she growled her eyes became the same shade of dark blue. I shall not let him take this town. She had no clue as to why she would protect it. Maybe because of her dear friend, or that group of strangers that had great her on her arrival.

Stepping forward into the light and wind she did her own howl. A much more sinister threat to her family. And the promise of protection for this village.


Looking up from his book, Kakashi Hatake looked as to where the howl had originated from.

"Sensei," Sakura whispered noticing the change in the atmosphere "What is wrong?"

"It's probably those wolves again Sakura," Saskue sighed "Haven't you notice that throughout the week everytime they have howled, Sensei has stopped whatever he is doing just to listen."

" Do you think he knows what they are saying?" Naruto mumbled looking at his sensei through squinted eyes.

With a small chuckle Kakashi turned towards his pupils, "After my time in the land of snow I did in fact learned from the locals what the different frequencies meant. The one a few moments ago was made by a male, declaring a challenge."

Kakashi stopped mid-sentence when another howl came. His eye scanned the landscape trying to pin point the owner. But all he saw was nature. No wolves.

"If you're so smart than what does that one mean?" Saskue scoffed.

"That was an acceptance from a female. Yet there are no packs around her so it is obvious she is alone," Kakashi sighed ignoring Saskue's recent attitude.

"So she may die?" Sakura mumbled "Because she is out numbered."

"Most likely. But others may come to help her. Yet if she is from the challenging pack then there is no use of saving her," Kakashi mumbled before going back to his book.

I just want to say this real quickly yoyocat22, thank you so much for voting on all my recent chapters and continuing to read! Even though I don't update this fan fiction that often. It means a lot to me though. So thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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