chapiter 3

22 3 2

emelie was an traid her hart was glowing if the blooding mary will kill shanon if the shanon the good cild he defend the blood marry the and traid was shanon will killed emelie_emelie was blood mary and shanon will remeber her sister and emelie said tommorow in her rooom she said do you build a good class ifthe gig blocks shanon will pick team if she's the qween of the gray castle no one desepeard the one basedel her self emelie want a fruits to shanon said the ttrue love will kiss the lips if emeliewant to remeber her hart willl glow the bood and her eyes will blood to thinking shanon was scerd becust her sis is her hart was 1 glowing and emelie dont care she's frozen hart if the one of the land and no one know's the noise and shanon well remeber her hart will glowing colors

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