Chapter 3

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Castiel stared at Dean like he was the last person he wanted to see, which he probably was. Dean couldn't even begin to imagine how bad the Lisa situation looked. In all honesty, Lisa was mainly used for a distraction and Dean did feel bad for using Lisa like that but it was the only way he knew how to get his mind off of Cas.

Dean didn't realize that he was staring at the man in front of him.

"Dean?" Castiel asked.

Dean cleared his throat, trying to think up a lie. What was he supposed to say? That he had a wet dream about Castiel and came to see him to try and relieve some of the tension? What made it even harder to think was how handsome Castiel looked up close. He realized that the dark blue dress shirt he was wearing made his blue eyes seem even more bright and vibrant. And his cologne smelt so good.

"I was, uh, walking by and saw you here alone through the window. So the son of a bitch stood you up?"

The silence from Cas was all the answer that Dean needed.

Dean shrugged. "His loss. Is the bill charging his card?"

Castiel's eyes widened, his blue gaze locked intensely on Dean. "Dean, no. I know what you're thinking. We are not wasting his money!"

Chuckling, Dean raised his hand to signal the waiter over.

"Are you two ready to order?"

"N-" Castiel was about to say.

"Yes we are, good sir! Two of your most expensive dishes!" Dean could hear Castiel gasp in protest but Dean wasn't giving up so easily. Whoever stood Cas up deserved it. Actually, in Dean's personal opinion, the dude was getting off easy. Sure, Dean slept around a lot, but he had never stood anyone up. That was just too low.

The waiter scribbled it down but not without giving Dean an uncertain look. Of course the waiter would be questioning him. He wasn't really dressed like someone that could afford a three hundred and fifty dollar lobster, but he didn't say anything, probably out of respect.

"Is that all for tonight?" he asked.

"You know what?" Dean was surprised when Castiel spoke up, smacking his palms flat onto the table. "Also, give us your oldest and most expensive wine. It's our anniversary and we want to celebrate."

The waiter left them to their own devices and Dean turned towards Cas who blushed at the cheeky smirk that had made its way across Dean's lips.

"Anniversary, huh?" Dean asked.

Cas shrugged, eyeing the glass of champagne he already had. "Just playing along, Winchester."

Dean watched his adam's apple bob as he took a gulp from the glass and continued to stare as Cas' pink tongue darted out swipe along his bottom lip. Cas caught Dean staring and now it was his turn to smirk.

"So, what exactly are we celebrating, Novak?"

"Hm, I don't know? Maybe our second year married?"

Although Castiel was joking, it still left Dean wondering how nice it would feel to have been in a relationship for two years. Dean's longest running relationship was for one year and a bit, but she cheated on him and from then on, Dean never really even thought about going into another relationship. The pain and loss was too much for Dean to bare.

Hopelessly Hopeful- A Destiel Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now