Tag 3

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This is...what...(counts quickly)..the 13 question (which reading over are more of statements really but it's like 4am and I am rambling you came for the tag) tag (your it). So yeh! I am going to be a dick so I'll do 2 things put my proper answer in normal text and my dickory in italics underline so you know when proper fuckery is happening and I am being too literal.

1. Do I like someone?
Yes and no. It's really confusing for me but in a broad term yes I do but if say a like a life hung in the line, it just be hanging you just leave it there you know, get it a drink or something it be chilling.

2. Do they like me?
Honestly I don't know, I would like to think they do. Who doesn't like me I am gods gift to the world I mean do you who I am? Did you rub my lamb? Did you wake me up?

4. Middle name
Sinead Ann

5. Single or taken
Single. I love the taken moves though I didn't know about the spin off franchise.

6. Last person I texted
My mum. Your mum. (I am not letting this joke die!)

7. Battery percentage
85% 69% (I am a god dam child)

8. Girl best friend?
Emma! @-@ That_disney_addict  (go check we out if yah want to i know I do) I'm so sorry.

9. Guy best friend?
Daniel aka Denmark (his actual nickname)

10. Fav OTP
Sheriarty or johnlock (I think my irl name and Sherlock's ship name is pretty cool it's kilock but how my name is pronounced it's more like key lock!!!!)

11. Why I made my account?
Well (STORY TIME!!) when I first joined I had no idea where this account would be now and how much love I get (thank you all I really mean it!). My original intention was to be creative and let my imagination run wild as I felt I could make my work worth while. I could it daunting the thought of competing a full story at once so I loved the idea this site/app had. I had at school got praise for my ideas and I relished in that praise, I also loved fandaoms. I wanted a place to feel free and accept by people who can enjoy my imagination as much as I do. I am glad to say I have found my place!

12. Current lock screen:

 Current lock screen:

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13. Birthday:

26th January!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all! What I originally set out to do with this account and what is has become may seem completely different but I love it! It brings a smile to my face when I hear that I made someone laugh or brought joy to their day by commenting as Jim. I must admit it feels amazing to know people recommend your work and follow your comments. This account has grown so much over this year. I know it's been a long (short) year with so much death and sadness and shock (nearly typed shook) I am just glad people, you beautiful people are still here! I love you all so much!!!

Tag your it!








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