I Love You

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Summary: Phil's always been bad with words. Of course, his actions make up for it.

Word count: 794

Complete and utter fluff.


  It's just past six, when Phil tears his eyes away from the ongoing movie playing infront of him. Dan has been sitting in the same spot on the couch since Phil has been awake, only getting up twice and as far he knows, neither of them have been for food.

  So, yes the answer is obvious, but Phil asks anyway. "Have you eaten today?" Dan doesn't seem to hear Phil, as his eyes don't move away from the empty space they are staring at.

  "Dan," Phil calls a bit over the somewhat loud TV. This time, Dan hears and he turns to Phil with a tired look. The same one he has had all day. Phil knows he is having a bad day, and knows that when he has bad days, Dan doesn't think to care for himself.

  "Did you eat today?" Really, Phil just wants to know if Dan will tell him the truth. It's seems like Dan won't, when he nods his head yes. He quickly stops himself though, and squeaks out a quiet 'no'.

  Phil just quietly nods and he mentally decides on ordering a pizza. He'll have to talk Dan into eating, he knows, but bickering with Dan for a few minutes definitely beats letting the boy starve himself.


  When Phil wakes up the moon is still high in the sky. It's only three am when he checks his phone and he's about ready to fall back asleep except, he can hear the clicking of the keys on Dan's stupidly annoying keyboard.

   So he forces himself out of bed, slips a shirt on and makes his way down to their office. He stumbles a little on his way, but considering how tired he is it suprises him that he hasn't broken anything.

  Dan is hunched over the computer when Phil finally makes it. He looks utterly exhausted, but even so there is a glint of determination in his eye and Phil mentally groans at that.

  "Hey, it's three in the morning." Dan jumps a little in suprise before looking up at Phil. "Oh." Is all he replies. Phil lets out a sigh, and walks over to Dan's chair.

  "You need to sleep, Dan." Dan doesn't reply this time but he doesn't look away either. "You haven't slept since yesterday. Come on." Phil tries to coax him out of the chair, but Dan refuses. "I need to finish editing, then I'll go to bed." He promises. Normally Phil would be proud of Dan being so focused on something as important as his channel. It's his job after all, but Dan hasn't slept a wink since his little thirty minute nap yesterday afternoon.

  "You can work on it tomorrow. sleep in my room, yeah?" Dan seems to be mentally arguing with himself but all it takes is Phil gently grabbing his hand and Dan is following him like a lost puppy.

  Phil makes sure Dan is comfortably tucked in before he lays down next to him. Only a few seconds later Dan is curling up against him muttering, "I love you."

  Phil doesn't let himself fall asleep until he's positive Dan is asleep first.


Dan is feeling much better.

  It's especially cold today, and though Phil knows he'll have to put up with Dan's complaining, he decides it's time they get some fresh air.

  "It's cold as fuck Phil. Why'd you have to pick today of all days?" Dan is shivering, a said consequence of refusing to wear a bigger coat.

  Phil rolls his eyes. "We haven't been outside in a while." Dan's teeth are chattering and Phil has to hold back a laugh. "We just got back from tour." Dan points out.

  "Yes, but I meant without being stuck on a schedule. We can pick up groceries, grab some coffee, go buy socks and comeback with a new wardrobe." Dan looks down chuckling, he knows the last part is specifically pointed towards him.

  "I don't do it that often." Dan is shivering through his words, and though Phil has half a mind to let him suffer just to prove a point, he ends up slipping off his jacket off anyway.

  "No," he wraps it around Dan before continuing. "It's every time, Dan, and you know it." Phil teases. Dan doesn't say 'thank you' nor does he whine about Phil being right, but the way he rolls his eyes then smiles at Phil speaks loud enough.


  Dan has never fully understood why Phil can't seem to say 'I love you'. Surely it can't be too hard, people mutter it every day, even if they don't mean it. Even so, Dan has never really minded either.

  He knows Phil loves him. He may not say it, but he shows it, and Dan thinks he actually likes it better that way anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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