Chapter 1

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"Nii-Nii! Look! I caught one!"

Kanato smiled at the tiny four year old vampire who held a trembling bat in his hands

"Good job! Now we can play with it more"

The white-haired boy giggled as his elder brother Laito started to pet his head tenderly


The three looked for the sound of the voice and smiled, it was their oldest brother Ayato, it's been months since he's played with them, and they always did like it when he did

Ayato gave off a smirk as he stood up upon the bolder in front of him, he picked up a stick and pointed it at his younger siblings

"Haha! Yes bow down before me!"

He gave off a kingly laugh , as he pressed the stick close to his chest and looked down at them

"Rejoice for Yours Truly will help with catching more Bats!"

Laito smiled while as their younger brother watched him in adoring awe

"Onii-sama, ish da coolest!"

Ayato seemed to snicker at kanato's jealous pouting face

"Ne, Chu, what about me and teddy?"

"Kanato-Nii-Nii ish cool too! So ish teddy-chan!"

They always did like his childish way of talking,  they smiled at him as the tiny boy praised them with adoration


The four kids turned their heads to the sound where they heard the eldest triplets name

"Didn't I tell you to study? What're you doing outside here?"

"I was playing a game..."

"Why are you playing? You should be in the tower reading..."

"N-no! I-I wanna play more! I don't want to study!"

"You are my child! You have to be the best! And if you're not number one what happens?"

"I'm, not my mothers child..."

"Good and?"

"Unowned children are as useless as rocks and will get thrown in the river, like one.."

She seemed pleased, she grabbed onto his hand but once again he refused her

"I-I still wanna play!"

She seemed as if she was going to snap at the boy but the four year old held onto the red-heads trousers

"Please, O-oka-Sama, I wanna play with Onii-Sama more!"

Cordelia looked down at the tiny four year old, she seemed to glare at him in annoyance

"Ayato is my child, a child such as you doesn't need to interfere"


"But nothing! Why are you even here? Your mother must've hated you so much that she left you with us, we're not even sure if you're blood related to us"

Chuchi looked up at her, hurt that she would say that, he could feel tears start brimming at his eyes as she looked at him in a snobby manner

"Chuchi, lets just go, leave Ayato alone..." laito tried to reason with his younger brother,but the stubborn boy looked at Ayato's unhappy face and started to cry, he caught their mother Cordelia off guard with this action

Being the youngest sakamaki حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن