New Years Eve

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New Year's Eve. The night where one year dies and the new one is born. People celebrate differently all over the world but sometimes those saving the world don't get to celebrate like the rest of us. But where they don't get the confetti and the ball dropping at midnight, they gain adventure and intrigue. For our heroes this New Year's Eve starts the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in their lives.

Waverider Dec. 31, 2016

Mick sat in his room throwing Leonard's old blue ball against the wall when he heard a knocking at his door. "Who the hell is it?" Mick said grumbling to himself. "It's Sara, I've got champagne and it's midnight somewhere". Mick groans but still opens his door.

Sara walks in handing Mick the champagne bottle and flopping onto his bed. She pats the space next to her. He looks, not sure of how to approach it but decides what the hell and lays down beside her. "Happy New Years, Mick" she said taking a long swig of the champagne. Mick laughs. "Happy New Years canary" he says taking down a swig of his own.

The rest of the night was a blur of talking and drinking. Sara took down the last of the second bottle of champagne and climbed onto Mick. "I'm still not drunk" she said soberly. Mick flipped her so she was underneath him. "Neither am I canary, but I'm feeling frisky wanna see how that goes" Mick says with a sly smile. Sara nods hungrily. Slowly Mick unbuttons Sara's blouse and the real fireworks begin.


Harry Potters house the same night

Scorpius and Albus sat nestled by the fireplace. They talked about what they were going to do when they got back to school.

Ginny brought in some butter beer and at the stroke of midnight, Scorpius and Albus got a small sip while the adults drank to their hearts content.

As the bell continues to ring, Albus pulls Scorpius aside and gives him a long, deep kiss. "I can't wait to introduce everyone to my smokin hot boyfriend when we get back" Albus says with a sly smile making Scorpius blush scarlet. They kiss again and go back to sitting by the fireplace, this time just sitting in silence enjoying each other's company.


Star City General Hospital the same night

Nurse Rose Schwartz was making her rounds as normal when she slipped into the morgue. She unlocked one of the compartments and pulled out the body of Laurel Lance. She smiled as she moved her wand over Laurels cold body.

Laurel coughed and started to move. "Don't move too fast my darling, that spell isn't easy to get over. You had to be mostly dead for it to work fully. But don't worry, as soon as you're with the dark lord you shall feel much better" Rose says laughing.

Suddenly there's a loud crack and Madam Poppy Pomfrey is standing near Rose. "Ah I see you're still doing his dirty work sister" poppy says as she moves between Laurel and her sister. Rose laughs. "You're no match for me dear sister. I have the dark lord behind me and with her he shall be unstoppable" Rose says gleefully.

Poppy smiles and just as Oliver and Felicity come through the door, she waves her wand and before Rose could even blink, they were all gone from sight. "Damn, you won't get away Laurel Lance, not next time" Rose says laughing at the last name they had given her to hide her away and vanishes herself.

Madam Pomfrey lays Laurel in bed while Oliver and Felicity look around in amazement. Poppy waves her wand and Oliver and Felicity fall asleep. She lays them in the bed next to Laurel's. "As soon as everyone gets here my darlings, I'll tell you everything" Poppy says and turns out the lights.

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