Wild Heart~Tristan

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A/N just imagine that it's 2013-2014

After a stressful day, you decided to get some fresh air. You were just walking down the street, on your way to your favorite cafe, with your headphones on, just jamming to your playlist when you suddenly you bumped into someone

Tristan's POV
It was a three hour long band rehearsal, just writing lyrics, making new tunes, practicing some songs and we decided to take a break, so I went out on the street, just to take a walk and grab a coffee from some cafe, was listening to some songs when I bumped into a girl and our phones fell down

Your POV
It was a tall boy, well really tall...
I quickly removed my headphones, he removed his earphones "sorry" we blurted out together...weird.
we bent down to grab our phones and ended up taking each other's phones by accident, "sorry"we said together...weirder, we gave each other our phones back and stood up
'what were you listening to?' He asked while pointing at my phone
'Oh, nothing, just some Y/F/B (your favorite Band except for the vamps)'
'Haha, well, I have a band as well, do check us out on youtube, we're called 'The Vamps', I'm Tristan' he said
'I would love to!'
*awkward silence*
'Um...ok, was nice meeting you, Trissy, bye!'
'K, bye'
He stood aside and I walked away...and after some steps, I realized how stupid i had sounded when i had called him 'Trissy' so I slammed my hand to my head and put my headphones back again.
Tristan's pov
"Trissy" I had no idea why I liked the way she called me that...
*5 minutes later*
And I had no idea that I'd been standing there for 5 minutes

~le time skip~

Your POV
I reached the cafe and bought a hot chocolate fudge with extra marshmallows then I saw a familiar face near the ordering station, I couldn't see him clearly because the cafe was crowded so I just went outside to sit on the tables kept outside the cafe, that was the best thing about that cafe!
I saw someone come out of the café and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw his face...it was Trissy, I mean Tristan!

Tristan's POV
I saw that girl at the cafe and I thought that my eyes were playing tricks with me but when I went outside then I saw her sitting on a table. I went and sit at the table with her, why was she sad?
' and we meet again!' She said and giggled and then she started frowning again.
'Hey, what happened?' I asked
'N-nothing!' She stuttered
No, I'm not gonna give up, I promised myself. It was bad enough to see her frown like that.
'You can tell me'i said
'Its just...never mind!'
'Please' I said
'K, fine, but just 'cause you don't know me and I don't know you....So this secret is not gonna go out!' She took a deep breath and said
'I just shifted to this city as I'm doing my higher studies here....I'm lonely and my only friend left me! Not that I'm not trying to be strong...I know I can do that but it just isn't....ughhh, it's complicated! And I'm not feeling nice...just not...'
A single tear trickled down her cheek, it seemed like she had experienced this before...I had never ever felt lonely but seeing her like that, I just couldn't handle it!
And then this stupid plan came to my mind
'Hey, do you Love music?' I asked (putting emphasis on 'love')
'Music is my life' she said
'Then wait'
I went to a corner and called James and told him about how crowded the place was and asked him if we could busk here and....he asked joe and......*drum roll* they said yes!
But I was doing it for her, did I like her?

Your POV
It was weird, I don't know why he went to a corner...and...called someone? Then he came back and sat on his seat.
'So....um.....tell me something about yourself' he said
'Oh, well, let's talk about music, so, I'm a great fan of music and I love it and I just can't stop listening to it and I choose music over people and...I guess that's it! What about you?' I said
(A/N guys feel free to insert your favourite hobby over there, if you don't love music)
'Um...if we are talking about music then....um...I started playing drums when I was 7 and I was a hyperactive child, used to get really hyper at times, so my mum made me join a marching band and now I'm in a pop band'
at that moment I was trying to take a sip of my hot chocolate and I realised that it was finished and I guess he saw that as well.
'Oh, well, I'm done! Was nice meeting you! I guess I should go'
But I wanted to stay....he seemed nice!
'No, please don't' he said and I was surprised!
'I mean I have to show you something...it'll be here in another 2 minutes' he pouted and I laughed 'ok' I said
' can I ask you a question?' He asked
'I know this is personal, but have you ever experienced a break up?'
I laughed so hard that all of the people at the cafe started staring at me and then I managed to speak
'of course not! I don't wanna be ditched! I don't want my heart to be broken, so I try to stay on the safer side/ two years back...he/she was an asshole, got over it pretty quickly, What about you?
'1 year ago....'
'Oh' I said
'Nothing to worry bout, got over it pretty easily!' He said
*after 10 minutes*
A van drove by and was parked near the café
3 boys got out of the car, one was wearing a leather jacket, one was wearing a T shirt which had a picture of a bearded dragon and the other one was wearing a navy blue winter coat.
Tristan got up from his seat, came to me and whispered in my ear 'I hope you like it'
He went and joined those 3 boys and started helping them and taking all of the instruments out of the van
and then it struck me.The Vamps!
They arranged everything in the open area, just near the cafe and the shortest one, the one with curly hair started introducing the band 'hi, I'm Brad, this is Tristan, that's Connor and that's James and we are the vamps, we're gonna perform some covers, don't worry we have taken the permission from the manager of the café, I hope you like our performance, don't forget to check us out on youtube! Thanks'
Everyone started cheering and crowding the performance area!
Well, I wanted to be in front! C'mon! So I tried to push out of my way everyone to go in front and witness the performance when Tris, just before the song was about to start, gestured the crowd in front of me to move aside and give me space....was I dreaming? Did he literally? Oh god! He's so amazing!
The first cover was of the song 'what about love' by Austin mahone
Brad had a great voice! Connor was so good at playing the bass, James was looking like a born guitarist and Tristan, he was so into it!
The second cover was of the song '22' by Taylor swift
And after that Tristan took the mic and said 'so, I'm gonna sing this song as well and it's meant for someone special, I hope she knows who she is'
And this song was their own song, Wild Heart.
During the chorus Tristan joined in, and he winked at me while singing, was this song meant for me? he also sang the bridge part! After they finished i realised the lyrics were describing the happenings of today but a part of the first verse didn't fit in this situation, it was
"I don't know her name,
But I'm hoping she might feel the same
So here I go again,
She got my heart again!"
And all of that was cleared when trissy got up from his seat, came up to me and said 'btw, I didnt get your name'
'You mean all this while, the whole time, you didn't know my name?'
He giggled and i hugged him, wasn't able to resist it, he was so cute!
'Atleast tell me your name now' he whispered in my ear
'Its Y/N'
'What a lovely name' he said
'Thanks Tristan'
'For what?'
'For everything'
And that was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship or maybe something more ;)
So, that was the first one. Comment what you think of it!

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