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His dark green hazel eyes stared deeply into mines as he handed me a glass of champagne. I slowly sipped and watched his eyes travel to my lips and back up to my eyes. He smiled and took away my champagne.

He took my hand and led me downstairs to which is the living room I guess. There was a very comfy looking couch with a cushy chair and a glass table edged with red wood and a fire place across from it with a few paintings on walls. He sat me on the couch and left out of the room. My mind was blank. I wanted to panic but couldn't. I wanted to say something, but wouldn't. He came back with some berries and kiwi. I reached for the bowl only to have him pull back with a mischievious glint in his eyes which caused me to smile a bit. He seemed surprised that I smiled so I took that opportunity to yank the bowl out of his hand and started to hurriedly eat the fruit. The taste of it was bitter yet sweet and I couldn't stop eating it. I felt my mind open up and my thoughts fade in then my emotions along with my subconscious. Suddenly I spit out the fruit and wiped my mouth, trying to get the foul taste off my lips.

''Relax, relax. You are okay.'' He calmly says when I stand and look at him confused yet pissed.

''What happened?'' I practically yelled.

''You were put under a spell by a witch friend of mine. She sort of- well does have a crush-no....desire to be with me, but I refuse her repeatedly. Ofcourse she knew I would find you and was jealous enough to use a spell that took away your thoughts and control over what you think or feel. It's like..well you know... you've just broke the spell yourself by eating a whole bowl of repellent fruit. Taste good the second you put it in your mouth but when the magic fades, the taste fades as well.'' He says with a devilish smirk as he looks at me over his shoulder.

''Witch? Spell?! What are you talking about?'' I say still confused and mad that he kept looking at me that way.

''I'll explain everything when you wake up.'' What?...

Then he turned his back to me and his body started melt and mold itself into another form of a man with blond hair and dark brown eyes and a slim yet muscular body. He was gorgeous but held this dangerous aroma that told me to stay away. Without a second thought I ran up stairs, into the room i was in before, grabbed a broom from the far corner, bashed a window with it until the glass broke and hopped out onto the roof singles. I slowly slid down to the edge only to look over to see that It seemed pretty far. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and jumped. I as soon a the tip of my foot touched the ground I rolled and then hopped to my feet and took off running without a thought.

I was glad my instinct took over in the moment and led me right away from that house. I couldn't believe what I saw nor heard. That guy had turned into a full grown man like it was- Never mind it. I won't think of it now. I'll have to wait til I make it home but I do not know where I am. Where has he taken me and how far?

Suddenly I feel dizzy.. Darkness starts to enclose around me. I try to fight it but I can't. I fall into a deep blissful sleep..


"She's the girl. I don't know how they found her, but they did!" I hear a man shout.. No one responds and I assume he's on the phone. Ugh, why can't I move. Sh*t my head hurts like hell. Okay, okay don't panic... Yep I'm panicking. Where am I? What happened?! Why can't I open my eyes?! Oh my god, ohmygodohmygod! Deep breaths. Just take very deep breaths. You got this..

"Well if you were doing your job this wouldn't have happened!... Yes I have her! She's here with me and she's not safe here. The Lartho will be here in an hour or less! They will destroy her as soon as they sense her presence! You know what that means? Every century that we've watched her would be pointless!" Pause. Every century? Who is he talking about?
The feeling in my arms began to return and my legs. I struggle to open my eyes and began to squirm.

"She's awake. Be here in ten or she dies." I hear him slam the phone down and walk towards me.

I try to speak but can't.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm gonna need you to stay still."

He tightens the straps and holds me down. I struggle against his hold and he groans in frustration.

"This will hurt a lot more if you keep fighting me." He growls out and I feel the tip of a needle on my arm and immediately still.

"Thank you." He says and injects me with some that makes my mouth go numb and black dots appear in my eyes which I finally got to squint open.

"Goodnight, Malaeah." He whispers as I frown and once again fall into a deep abyss of darkness. Here we go again...

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