Spoilers for The Lion King but if you haven't seen that tf are you doing with your life smh.

Chapter 1
"Mum, I don't need a babysitter! I'm 16 for God's sake!" Whined a scruffy haired teenage boy by the name of Dan.
"Too late Dan, I'm leaving in 20 minutes. Take care of your sister till he arrives. And remember, bed by 10!"
Dan groaned. "Fine."

|Time Skip cos im lazy|

A loud ding sounded, alerting Dan that the babysitter was finally there. He stood up from playing pretend with his 7 year old sister, Charlotte, Charlie for short, and jogged quickly to the door to answer it. He opened the door and almost gasped out loud. The boy at the other side of the door was gorgeous and Dan was completely gay for him instantly. He had lush black hair and bright, intelligent blue eyes that seemed to pierce into Dan's soft brown eyes. Dan stuttered quickly,
"H-hi I Dan. My name-"
The pale boy laughed.
"My name's Phil. Nice to meet you. Also... do you have a habit of wearing tiaras?"
Dan blushed profusely and snatched the fake princess tiara from his head.
"I was playing Princesses with my sister."
Phil smiled.
"Well, I think you make a very cute princess."
Dan blushed even harder, and murmured, "Come in."
Phil walked in and looked around, taking in his surroundings. Suddenly Dan felt very self conscious and quickly stood in front of some photos from when he was as young as 2.
"The living room is through here, and if you go down the hallway the bathroom is the first door on the left."
Phil nodded and followed Dan until they stopped in front of a door. Dan hesitated.
"This is my room. You'll be sleeping in here 'cos I have a bunk and we don't have any guest rooms. Is that ok?"
Phil nodded quickly.
"Yeah, that's fine! Better than sleeping on the couch!" Phil laughed, and Dan nervously joined in.
"Let's go to the living room." Dan said, changing the subject. Phil followed him as he led the way back to the living room, where Charlie was playing with some dolls. "Hey Charlie this is Phil, he's our babysitter."
Charlie briefly looked up then shyly looked away.
"Hi." She said quietly and Phil smiled.
"Hello. Your dolls are very pretty! Do they have names?" Charlie nodded excitedly, and explained to Phil all about her dolls, while Dan sat doen on the sofa and spaced out, imagining how good it would be to hug Phil... and how goid he was with children. Dan could imagine a future with him....
"Dan? Hellooo?? Anyone home?"
Dan opened his eyes to see Phil's, and he jumped.
"What is it?! What happemed?"
Phil laughed.
"You fell asleep. Meanwhile, Charlie and I managed to play with her dolls, have dinner, and now she's asleep. Want to watch a movie?"
"S-sure. Sorry for falling asleep..."
"Naw, its fine. You looked cute while you slept. Plus, it looked like you needed it. What movie?"
Dan blushed.
"Uhhh... this is going to sound stupid, but, The Lion King? I love Disney..." Dan blushed deeply, waiting for Phil's response. Phil's eyes lit up.
"I love Disney!!! That doesn't sound stupid at all!!"
Dan grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, as Phil left the room, and Netflix appeared on scrren. He went to the search bar and typed in The Lion King. By the time the movie started Phil came back with a bowl of chips, and sat down next to Dan on the sofa. Dan watched avidly, and didn't notice Phil scooting closer to him until their shoulders touched. Dan blushed without realising and looked at Phil, forgetting all about the movie. Phil looked back at him and smiled shyly. Dan took a sharp intake of breath when Phil placed his hand on Dan's knee and said, "I-I was hoping you were gay, but before we do anything I want to know for sure..."
Dan fidgeted. He didn't know what he was. Phil took his silence the wrong way.
"Oh god, you're straight... I-I"' so sorry... I didn't know..." Phil said, shuffling away from Dan and looking at his lap. Dan quickly said,
"N-No! I-I don't know..."
Phil hesitated before moving back toward Dan, and placing his hand once more on his thigh. Dan slowly moved his hand on top of Phil's, and they continued watching the movie. Dan started sobbing when Mufasa died and Phil rolled his eyes and laughed, before quickly pecking him on the cheek. Dan started, surprised by the kiss, but he accepted it and leaned his head on Phil's shoulder, snuggling into the other boy's embrace. Phil put his arm around Dan's waist and they watched the rest of the movie in silence.
Suddenly Dan got a text.
Hey Dan! Just wondering if you'd like to go to dinner? Txt me when ur free!
-Mel xx
"Crap!" Dan cursed under his breath. He snatched his phone and typed back a reply.
Sorry can't Mel.
She replied instantly.
Why not :((
Umm Im with a friend Ill txt u later
Ok fine
"Who was that? Do you have a girlfriend?" Phil asked, eyeing Dan's phone. Dan sighed.
"No, but she's had a massive crush on me since sixth grade."
"Oh. So.. we're still-? You're not in a relationship?"
"No I'm single. Hopefully not for long?" Dan asked looking at Phil hopefully. Phil chuckled.
"One thing at a time Danny."
Dan blushed and snuggled back into Phil's shoulder.

Hope y'all enjoyed! This was quite long oOps ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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